
Why study Spanish?

Spanish is not just the language of Spain, it is also a globally important language with over 400 million native speakers worldwide, (plus another 100 million non-native speakers). It is the language of 21 countries, including most South American countries. Spanish is a sought-after language which is important both commercially and culturally and it is an ideal complement to both Arts and Science subjects.  Spanish, like other modern languages, is not just an academic subject but an invaluable life skill and its study expands our world-view, making an important contribution to tolerance and understanding of other cultures and perspectives. 

What will I study in Year 10? 

What will I study in Year 11? 

How will I be assessed?

In Year 10, there will be regular testing using  past papers and this will be both electronic and on paper.  In Year 11 we will largely use paper for testing, as this is the method currently used by Examination Boards.

The GCSE itself will be assessed by means of four components all worth 25% of the final grade:

The length of each exam will depend on whether you choose Foundation or Higher tier. Note that all components must be taken at the same tier.

The examination board is AQA and the specification number is 8692.  You can see the full specification here.

What else should I know?

If you have any queries about this curriculum, please contact: Sra Gema Briggs, Head of Spanish, on