8th SS Magazines by Unit


  • First Amendment 101 Upfront January 18, 2018
  • The Gun Debate (2nd Amendment) Junior Scholastic and NYT Upfront November 20, 2017
  • The Pledge at 125. Upfront February 20, 2017
  • The President vs The Press. Upfront March 13, 2017
  • Protest Nation. Upfront May 15, 2017
  • Should the First Amendment Protect Hate Speech? Upfront April 2, 2018


American History Play: Our Founding Fathers. Junior Scholastic October 31, 2005, pages 16-19

American History Play: Riding for Freedom. Junior Scholastic October 2. 2006, pages 16-19

American History Play: The Boston Massacre. Junior Scholastic November 15, 2004, pages 16-19

American History Play: The Boston Tea Party. Junior Scholastic October 10, 2011, pages 16-19

American History Play: The French and Indian War. Junior Scholastic October 18, 2004, pages 14-17

American History Play: Tom Paine. “Working a powerful change.” Junior Scholastic October 15, 2007, pages 12-15

American History Play: Unnecessary War. How far should a President go the preserve “an honorable peace”? Junior Scholastic March 10, 2008, pages 18-21

The American Revolution Upfront October 8, 2018

The Boston Tea Party. Junior Scholastic October 10, 2011, pages 16-19

The Fight over the Constitution. Junior Scholastic September 16, 2013, pages 10-13


“Fight No More Forever.” Chief Joseph hoped to be a man of peace. But he could not stop the bloody clashes with newcomers to his land. Junior Scholastic November 9, 2009, pages 8-11

America’s Forgotten War [The Mexican-American War (1846-48)]. Upfront September 19, 2011, pages 18-21

American History Play: The Journey of Lewis and Clark. Junior Scholastic November 21, 2011, pages 16-19

American History Play: Muddy Boots! [Andrew Jackson]. Junior Scholastic January 19, 2009, pages 8-11

Oregon Fever. Junior Scholastic January 21 and 28, 2013, pages 10-11

Stories of the Slaves. Junior Scholastic December 11, 2006, pages 16-20

Times Past 1848: The California Gold Rush. Upfront January 28, 2013, pages 16-19

Times Past 1862: The Dakota War. Upfront November 5, 2012, pages 16-19

Times Past 1890: Wounded Knee. Upfront October 12, 2015, pages 18-21


American History Play: Freedom Train - Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Junior Scholastic November 20, 2017

“An Act of JUSTICE.” The Emancipation Proclamation, signed by Abraham Lincoln 150 years ago, was a weapon of war and a call for freedom. Junior Scholastic January 7, 2013, pages 12-13

Abe Lincoln: Master Politician. Junior Scholastic November 19, 2012, pages 10-12

American History Play: Abraham Lincoln’s Team of Rivals. Junior Scholastic February 2, 2009, pages 19-21

American History Play: Bloody Sunday. Junior Scholastic January 8, 2007, pages 8-11

American History Play: The Great Migration. Junior Scholastic February 12, 2007, pages 16-19

American History Play: The Last Best Hope; Abraham Lincoln and The Emancipation Proclamation. Junior Scholastic February 7, 2005, pages 12-15

American History Play: Turning Point at Gettysburg. Junior Scholastic Nov. 11, 2013.

Are We Still Fighting the Civil War? It ended a century and a half ago, but America’s bloodiest war still isn’t behind us. Upfront May 12, 2014, pages 14-15

Gettysburg. Junior Scholastic October 28, 2013, pages 8-11

The Last Slave. Upfront September 17, 2018 (records of the last slave owned in the U.S.)

How Slavery Really Ended in America. Upfront October 3, 2011, pages 12-15

The Civil War: 10 Things You Should Know (and probably don’t). Junior Scholastic January 30/February 13, 2012, pages 14-18

Times Past 1852: Did a Novel Start the Civil War? Upfront January 2, 2012, pages 24-27

Times Past 1863: Gettysburg: The Battle and the Address. Upfront September 16, 2013, pages 16-20

Times Past 1863: The Emancipation Proclamation. Upfront January 7, 2013, pages 24-27

Times Past 1863: The Emancipation Proclamation. Was Abraham Lincoln a reluctant emancipator or a political genius? Upfront January 7, 2013, pages 24-27

Wanted. Missing Slaves. (Primary Soiurces). Upfront January 8, 2018

Why the Civil War Still Isn’t History. Upfront September 5, 2011, pages 6-7


American History Play: Extra! Extra! The 1899 Newsboys’ Strike called attention to the struggles of kids working in the U.S. Junior Scholastic February 16, 2009, pages 10-13

American History Play: Pennies and a Crust of Bread: Child Labor in America. Junior Scholastic February 6, 2006, pages 18-21

American History Play: Stolen Childhoods. Junior Scholastic February 27, 2012, pages 16-19

American History Play: The Triangle Factory Fire. Junior Scholastic March 14, 2011, pages 18-21

The Great Immigration Debate. Upfront February 19, 2018

Times Past 1927: Sacco and Vanzetti. Upfront November 19, 2007, pages 18-21

Times Past: The Triangle Factory Fire. Upfront March 14, 2011, pages 14-17


It’s War! …two shots fired by a teenage assassin led to the horror of World War I. Junior Scholastic March 17, 2014, pages 8-11

The Harlem Renaissance. Junior Scholastic February 17, 2014, pages 12-13

Times Past 1914: 5 Things You Need to Know about World War I. Upfront March 17, 2014, pages 18-21

Whizz-Bangs and Trenches: A century ago, a group of writers called the War Poets captured the misery of World War I. Junior Scholastic March 18, 2013, pages 12-13

World History Play: The Christmas Truce. Junior Scholastic December 7, 2009, pages 10-13


American History Play. Attack on Pearl Harbor Junior Scholastic November 20, 2017

“A Grave Wrong” [Japanese Internment Camps]. Upfront October 1, 2007, pages 16-18

American History Play: Eye on America. During the Great Depression, Dorothea Lange saw people hungry and in despair. She “told” their stories with her photos. Junior Scholastic September 7, 2009, pages 18-21

American History Play: Tuskegee Airmen. Junior Scholastic January 2, 2012, pages 18-21

The Code That Couldn't Be Broken. Upfront February 19, 2018 (Navajo Code Talkers)

The Dust Bowl. Junior Scholastic April 15, 2013, pages 10-11

The Forger. Upfront January 30, 2017 (forging documents for the resistance)

Eleanor Roosevelt. Junior Scholastic March 2, 2009, pages 19-21

The Manhattan Project. Upfront November 20, 2017

Should We Go to War? Junior Scholastic April 24, 2006, pages 14-17

Times Past 1941: Pearl Harbor. Upfront October 24, 2011, pages 16-19

Times Past 1941: Pearl Harbor: From Infamy to Friendship. Upfront Sept 5, 2016

Times Past 1945: The Atom Bomb. Upfront March 16, 2015, pages 18-21

Who Betrayed Anne Frank? Upfront March 12, 2018


American History Play: The Fight For What's Right (Sylvia Mendez - school integration) Scope Dec/Jan 2017/2018

1968: America’s Tragic Year. Upfront March 31, 2008, pages 24-27

American History Play: “You’re Fired!” (While U.S. troops fought in Korea, President Truman and his top General had a battle of their own: Who would control the military?). Junior Scholastic May 10, 2010, pages 14-17

American History Play: Blacklisted! The House Un-American Activities Committee. Junior Scholastic May 8, 2006, pages 16-18

American History Play: Cesar Chavez. Viva the Cause. Junior Scholastic Nov. 11, 2013

American History Play: Freedom Riders. Junior Scholastic May 9, 2011, pages 16-19

American History Play: JFK’s “Freedom of Man.” Junior Scholastic Nov 11, 2013.

American History Play: LBJ and the Great Society. Junior Scholastic May 9, 2005, pages 12-15

American History Play: We the People: The Legacy of Rosa Parks. Junior Scholastic November 28, 2005, pages 6-9

Are We Headed for a New Cold War? Upfront Oct. 10, 2017. Pages 18-21

Civil Rights Slugger [Jackie Robinson] Junior Scholastic April 13, 2017, pages 16-19.

Emmett Till Revisited. Upfront April 3, 2017. Pages 16-19

Freedom Fighters. Junior Scholastic February 4, 2013, pages 8-11

The Day the President Was Shot. Junior Scholastic November 25, 2013, pages 5-7

Emmett Till Revisted. Upfront April 3, 2017

The Little Rock Nine. Junior Scholastic September 3, 2012, pages 12-13

MLK 50 Years Later. Upfront January 29, 2018

The Right to Love. Upfront January 9, 2017 (Loving vs VA)

Times Past 1951: The Rosenberg Trial. Upfront April 18, 2011, pages 16-19

Times Past 1954: Separate Is Not Equal. Upfront March 31, 2014, pages 16-19

Times Past 1957: The Little Rock Nine. Upfront September 3, 2012, pages 24-27

Times Past 1959: The Cuban Revolution. Upfront February 24, 2014, pages 18-21

Times Past 1961: The Bay of Pigs Invasion. Upfront January 31, 2011, pages 16-19

Times Past 1961: The Freedom Riders. Upfront January 10, 2011, pages 24-27

Times Past 1962: The Cuban Missile Crisis. Upfront September 17, 2012, pages 18-21

Times Past 1963: Freedom Fighters. Upfront April 22, 2013, pages 18-21

Times Past 1963: The Death of a President. Upfront November 18, 2013, pages 16-19

Times Past 1963: The March on Washington. Upfront September 2, 2013, pages 16-19

Times Past 1964: The Vietnam War. Upfront April 21, 2014, pages 18-21

Times Past 1965: Selma. Upfront February 23, 2015, pages 18-21

Times Past 1973: Sorry, No Gas. Upfront April 1, 2013, pages 16-19

Vietnam and the U.S.: A New Chapter? Upfront November 19, 2012, pages 14-15

Times Past 1957: The Little Rock Nine Upfront September 4, 2017 pages 18-21

Downloads of two interviews with Little Rock Nine

Primary Source: A letter about conditions at Central High School


5 Things to Know about ISIS. Junior Scholastic April 20, 2015, pages 8-11

5-Minute Guide to the Iran Deal. Junior Scholastic September 21, 2015, pages 16-17

5-Minute Guide to: The Changing United States [infographics]. Junior Scholastic May 16, 2016, pages 14-15.

A New Cold War? Why the United States and Russia can’t seem to forget about the past. Upfront October 28, 2013, pages 8-11

American History Play: Watergate- The Downfall of a President. Junior Scholastic May 14, 2012, pages 16-19

Arab Spring: What’s Next? Junior Scholastic October 10, 2011, pages 10-15

Are We Headed for a New Cold War? Upfront Oct. 10, 2017. Pages 18-21

Attack on Paris. Upfront December 14, 2015, pages 12-13

Can ISIS Be Defeated? Junior Scholastic January 11, 2016, pages 18-21

China’s Big Move: Why is the government forcing millions of farmers to move into cities? Junior Scholastic March 3, 2014, pages 6-9

Cyberwar: The U.S. vs. North Korea. Upfront February 2, 2015, pages 14-15

Czar Putin? Upfront January 12, 2015, pages 14-15

Desperation at Sea: Tens of thousands of people from the Middle East and Africa are risking their lives to cross the Mediterranean Sea to get to Europe. Junior Scholastic September 7, 2015, pages 8-13

Do We Look Like Terrorists to You? Junior Scholastic October 12, 2015, pages 7-11

Does North Korea Have the H-Bomb? Upfront February 8, 2016, pages 13-15

Edward Snowden: Traitor or Hero? Upfront February 24, 2014, pages 8-11

Escape from Hell: Amna al_Khodr, 17, is one of the millions of Syrian refugees caught in the crossfire of a brutal civil war. Upfront October 6, 2014, pages 8-11

Fight Over Immigration Upfront Sept 19, 2017.

Long Fight Over Immigration. Junior Scholastic Sept. 19, 2016.

North Korea vs the World. Junior Scholastic Feb 20, 2017

Opening the Door to Cuba. Junior Scholastic February 2, 2015, pages 8-11

Protest Nation: Boston Tea Party to the Women’s March Upfront May 15, 2017

President and the Press: The relationhip between U.S. Leaders and the news media has always been a tug of war. Junior Scholastic March 13, 2017.

Putin’s Power Play: Russia’s president threatens neighboring Ukraine, and alarms the world. Upfront March 31, 2014, pages 14-15

Standing Their Ground: Native Americans Oil Pipeline Junior Scholastic Oct. 31, 2016

Undocumented and Afraid [Immigration] Junior Scholastic. April 24, 2017

Walled Off: Can the Longtime U.S.-Mexico Alliance Survive the Planned Wall? Junior Scholastic. March 13, 2017

The 9/11 Dilemma: Freedom vs. Security. Upfront September 5, 2011, pages 14-17

The Iran Deal. Upfront May 11, 2015, pages 16-17

The Middle East Mess. Upfront September 1, 2014, pages 8-11

The New Vietnam: Forty years after the Vietnam War…. Upfront March 21, 2016, pages 14-17

Times Past 1916: How the Middle East Got That Way. Upfront April 25, 2016, pages 18-21

Times Past 1967: The Six-Day War. Much of the Arab-Israeli conflict is linked to a brief but critical war… Upfront April 2, 2012, pages 16-19

Times Past 1970: Tragedy at Kent State. Upfront March 30, 2015, pages 16-19

Times Past 1979: The Iranian Revolution. Upfront December 8, 2014, pages 16-19

Times Past 1982: The AIDS Epidemic. Upfront April 23, 2012, pages 18-21

Times Past 1989: The Fall of the Berlin Wall. Upfront September 15, 2014, pages 18-21

Times Past 1991: The War before the War. Upfront December 13, 2010, pages 14-17

Times Past: Watergate. Upfront March 12, 2012, pages 18-21

Vietnam: Why the War Still Matters Today. Junior Scholastic April 23, 2012, pages 16-19


"Can Your Phone Testify Against You?" [Freedom of Speech] Upfront/Jr Scholastic October 9, 2017

“You Have the Right to Remain Silent” [Miranda Ruling]. Upfront January 11, 2016, pages 18-21

10 Objects that Changed America: U.S. scientists developed the Internet and the smartphone, but we were revolutionizing the world long before that. Junior Scholastic January 13, 2014, pages 10-13

10 Speeches that Made History. Upfront May 11, 2015, pages 18-21

5 Minute Guide to The Supreme Court. Junior Scholastic March 21, 2016, pages 8-9

Apple vs. The FBI. Junior Scholastic April 4, 2016, pages 8-11

Apple vs. The FBI. Upfront April 4, 2016, pages 6-7

Can Your Phone Testify Against You? Upfront September 1, 2014, pages 14-17

The 9/11 Dilemma: Freedom vs. Security. Upfront September 5, 2011, pages 14-18

The Car that Changed America. Upfront February 11, 2008, pages 18-21

The Fight over Guns in America. Junior Scholastic February 8, 2016, pages 12-17

The Gun Debate. Junior Scholastic February 18, 2013, pages 6-9

Times Past 1791: The Bill of Rights, Then and Now. Upfront December 12, 2011, pages 18-21

To Kill or Not to Kill? Is the death penalty on its way out? Upfront November 17, 2014, pages 8-11

Why Are Some Delegates Super? Upfront May 16, 2016, pages 10-11

History Plays Edition: Junior Scholastic November 11, 2013

Boston Is Free! Pages 6-9

Turning Point at Gettysburg. Pages 10-13

World War I: The Christmas Truce. Pages 14-17

Here Comes Mrs. Roosevelt! Pages 18-21

Cesar Chavez: ¡Viva la Causa! Pages 24-27

JFK’s “Freedom of Man.” Backcover

History Plays Edition: Junior Scholastic December 10 and 17, 2012

Civil War: Emancipation Proclamation. “Forever Free.” Pages 14-17

Progressive Era: Ida B. Wells. Crusader for Justice. Pages 18-19

World War II: The London Blitz. “This Is London.” Pages 20-21

Space Exploration: First Man on the Moon. To the Moon. Pages 26-27

War on Terror: The Hunt for Osama bin Laden. Pages 28-31

Civil Rights: Letter from Birmingham Jail. Why We Can’t Wait. Backcover