Tech Options for Students

There are a lot of ways to show what you know!

You always start with what you want to do.....

Then choose the technology tool that matches your needs.

Look at the options below. Remember you are showing your teacher what you learned. You are sharing knowledge.

Fancy tech skills are great, but the content is the most important part!

Proposal Form - To be approved by your teacher

Make a copy. Fill it out. Hand in to your teacher.

  • Edit a movie you wrote and recorded
          • a commercial, documentary, interview, movie, TED Talk, music video, news report
  • Make a movie with images and your narration
          • usually documentary style, could also be a photo journal
  • Record a Podcast
          • informational or interview
  • Record a Screencast
          • "how to" videos, could also screencast slide presentation
  • Green Screen Video
          • Shoot video in front of a green screen, add a creative background "scene" later

Something you could print (or not)

What can I publish? (These can also be printed)

  • Digital Brochure
  • Picture Book
  • Infographic
  • Digital Poster
  • A Research Paper or Essay
  • A Journal (Diary Entry)
  • Newspaper/Magazine Article (s)
  • Photo Album
  • Advertisement
  • An Illustrated Poem

What can I publish online? (These cannot be printed!)

  • Website - with many pages and navigation to different places on the site. Can embed text, images, videos.
  • Webpage - One page published online. Can embed text, images, videos.

Like a graphic novel. Usually these are printed. But digital comics can also be used.

  • Comic Strip
  • Graphic Novel

Interactive images are one background image or map with links that lead to more information like text, videos, articles, images, maps, graphs, etc.

  • A Timeline with embedded links that you find or create
  • A Map with embedded links that you find or create
  • A Scene or image with embedded links that you find or create


  • Slideshows
  • Skits
  • Speeches
  • Roleplaying
  • TED Talks
  • Teach a Lesson - Be a teacher


These can stand alone or also be embedded in other apps like brochures, videos, websites, etc.

  • A digital drawing or graphic design
  • A collage or mashup
  • Magazine Cover or Book Cover


Artifacts are things you make.

  • 3D Model
  • Diarama
  • Prototype
  • Artifact - like museum exhibits
  • Time capsule
  • 3 Panel Display Board

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