

You can........

  • Edit a movie you wrote and recorded
          • a commercial, documentary, interview, movie, TED Talk, music video, news report
  • Make a movie with images and your narration
          • usually documentary style, could also be a photo journal
  • Record a Podcast
          • informational or interview
  • Record a Screencast
          • "how to" videos, could also screencast slide presentation


  1. You will need to write your script first.
  2. Divide your text by the video clips/ or images you plan to have
  3. Find (or create) the video, images, graphs and other visuals you want in your video. Save them.


4. Import your video, images, graphs or other visuals into the app you chose

5. Record your narration - if needed.



With Wevideo you can:

  • Edit a movie you recorded
  • Make a movie with images and your own narration
  • Record a Podcast
  • Record Screencasts
  • Green Screen Video

How to access Wevideo:

  1. Go to the library website
  2. Click on the WeVideo button
  3. Log in with your Google Account

Mrs. Callahan's Quick Tutorials

WEVIDEO TUTORIALS from Wevideo - quick - 1-2 minutes each

3 most important - Creating a project, Media Manager, Dashboard Overview


  1. With Brainpop you can:
  • Make a movie with images and your own narration

How to access Brainpop movies:

  1. You have to be on your own log in - not the school's log in
  2. Go to Classlink
  3. Click on the Brainpop button
  4. Find any brainpop movie, then click on the square that says "Make a Movie"


Adobe Spark

  • With Adobe Spark you can:

(This app is free - so it is very limited)

  • Make a movie with images and your own narration - only 30 seconds narration per image.

How to Access Adobe Spark:

  1. Go to the Library website
  2. Click on the Adobe Spark button
  3. Log in with your Google account
  4. Click CREATE
  5. Choose VIDEO