
Guided Inquiry - How is the Constitution a Living Document


Build Background Knowledge

Watch the video called "The Constitution for Kids" and take some notes that will help you answer these questions.

  • What is the Constitution?

  • How does the constitution change?

  • Name TWO specific changes that were made after it was written.

Watch the video called, "Amending America" and answer this question.

  • Is it easy to amend The Constitution? Why?

Think and Wonder

Think of some other questions you have. What more do you need to know about how the constitution has changed since 1787? What do you think it means when people say, "The Constitution is a living document?"


Choose ONE of the PAST events in HISTORY below. Watch the video. Read the article. Take notes. Develop an understanding of the event.

Womens' Suffrage Protests
Amendment to Constitution

Articles: (read or listen)

Civil Right Act of 1965
Law by Congress

Articles: (read or listen)

US vs Nixon Supreme Court

Articles: (read or listen)

Choose ONE of the CURRENT events below. Watch the video. Read the article. Take notes. Develop an understanding of the event.

Snapchat and Free Speech
Supreme Court Case: Mahanoy School vs B.L.

Illegal Immigration and the Dream Act
Law by Congress - not yet passed


Make Connections - Think about what you have learned so far.

  • How did the events you studied change the Constitution?

  • Why did these changes happen?

  • Explain how these events show that the Constitution is a "living document."

Find more articles to add to your thinking. Use the Gale History in Context to get great articles. Password is "research"

Communicate your ideas

Use your new knowledge, your thinking and your creativity to develop a podcast to communicate your ideas to a specific audience.

Plan for podcast (5 minutes maximum)

  • Decide what type of podcast you want to do: (speech, conversation, interview, panel discussion, informational lecture with audio inserts, storytelling, etc)

  • Write the script. Be creative in your choices. Who is your audience?

  • Practice

  • Record your video or podcast. See the tutorials below. Be creative in your presentation.

Colonial Man Speaking to Modern Day Audience. Reenactment from Colonial Williamsburg. Image from Wikimedia Commons - License to distribute

How to Make a Podcast

Wevideo - How to make a Podcast.mp4

How to Finalize a Wevideo Project

Wevideo - How to Finalize a Wevideo Video.mp4