Interactive Images


Interactive images are one background image or map with links that lead to more information like text, videos, articles, images, maps, graphs, etc.

  • A Timeline with embedded links that you find or create
  • A Map with embedded links that you find or create
  • A Scene or image with embedded links that you find or create


  1. Find a map, or image you think would work. Or develop a timeline in Drawing or Slides.
  2. Sketch out the information you want to create or find, then link to this image.
  3. Find or create all the information
  4. Then use one of the apps below to create it.

Google Drawing

What can I do with Drawing?

  • A Timeline with embedded links that you find or create
  • A Map with embedded links that you find or create
  • A Scene or image with embedded links that you find or create

How do I access Drawing?

  1. In Drive, click on NEW
  2. Then click on MORE
  3. Google Drawing is an option

You can do this in Slides too. Make only one slide and publish it to the web.