Publish Online


What can I publish online? (These cannot be printed!)

  • Website - with many pages and navigation to different places on the site. Can embed text, images, videos.
  • Webpage - One page published online. Can embed text, images, videos.


  1. You will need to write your text first.
  2. Divide it into pages or separate headings or separate sections
  3. Find video, images, graphs and other visuals you want on your webpage(s).


What can I make on Sites

  • Multi-page websites
  • One page web pages

How to access sites:

  1. Go to the Google Waffle
  2. Choose Sites

Google Sites Tutorials - Mrs. Callahan

Example of a Google Site - Mrs. Callahan


What can I make on Sway

  • One page - web pages

How to access Sway:

  1. Go to Classlink
  2. Click on Office 365
  3. Click on Sway

DIRECTIONS FOR SWAY look at the TOP links!

Example of a Sway by Mrs. Callahan (hit the play button)

Discovery Ed. Studio

What can I make on DE Studio?

  • One page web pages

limited to only DE videos

How to access DE Studio:

  1. Go to Classlink
  2. Click on Discovery Education
  3. Click on Studio