Research Skills Tutorials

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6th Grade Skills


What is a Research Question
Develop Background Knowledge to define a topic
Create supporting questions for further research

7th Grade Skills

Deconstruct a Research Question
Develop Background Knowledge to
take a stance/develop a working claim
Create supporting questions for further research

8th Grade Skills

Deconstruct more complex research question
Develop Background Knowledge and Historical context to take a stance/develop a working claim
Create supporting questions for further research

Writing Supporting Research Questions (5 mins)

Using Keywords in Books (3 mins)

(same process for searching online)

6th Grade Skills


Develop keywords for research

Search Skills:  

Choose sources from , Navigation of print and digital sources, evaluation of sources - is it useful and relevant?

Taking Notes: Basic Notetaking, Reflecting on notes and filling gaps.

Keep Track of Sources

7th Grade Skills


Develop, combine and adjust keywords for research

Search Skills: Choosing sources, Website Evaluation - ABCs

Taking notes: Paraphrasing, summaries.

Keep Track of Sources

8th Grade Skills


Develop, combine and adjust keywords for research

Search Skills: Academic sources, primary sources, 

Taking notes: 

Keep Track of Sources

Website Evaluation Lesson  (11 mins)

Good Notetaking  (4 mins)

Categorize and organize information

Make connections

Draw conclusions

Categorize and organize information

Make connections

Draw conclusions

Categorize and organize information

Make connections

Draw conclusions

What is a Database (3 mins)

How to Use a Gale Database (4 mins)

7th Grade Skills

Understanding a Complicated Essential Question - 3 mins

Developing Keywords Before AND During Research  - 7 mins

8th Grade Skills