The Pantry

Mandy's Pantry, where students and families experiencing food insecurity and financial hardship can find food, clothes, accessories, toiletries and school supplies. The Pantry is available to any Mountain View family and local surrounding community members with students from feeder schools. Contact the MTV Counseling Department for access.

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Summer Meal Program


Mandy’s Pantry is a food pantry at Mountain View High School, named in memory of Mandy Lathim, a 2012 Mountain View graduate who died tragically in an auto accident but who had a dream of starting a food bank at the school while she was a student.

The goal of Mandy’s Pantry is to provide food and necessary items to MVHS students and future MVHS students in an effort to make it easier for them to stay in school and to learn. With the support of the community partners the pantry continues to thrive.

Mandy’s Pantry was initially organized by the Leadership Class and kicked off with a food drive competition against Evergreen High School. The competition brought out the best in MVHS students and an incredible amount of food was donated.

Students and families who could use the help should talk to their Counselor. The pantry not only feeds Mountain View students but eight feeder schools in the Evergreen school district.

Ongoing support will be provided by The Pantry Project, a program of the Evergreen School District Foundation, which works with SHARE and other community organizations to distribute food and toiletries to the students in need at all five district high schools.

Any donations make a difference. Most requested items include, canned soups and meats (ham, chicken, tuna, Vienna sausages), peanut butter, pasta sauce and dried pasta, Easy Mac, canned fruits and vegetables, shelf-stable milk and healthy snacks (granola and cereal bars). Toiletries in high demand include toilet paper, antiperspirant, laundry detergent, soap and shampoo.