Digital Arts

Creativity meets technology! Learn integrated artistic and technical skills in video production, digital photography, graphic design and 3-D animation using industry based sofware and state of the art equipment.

Areas of Study

Advertising, Design, Publishing

Advertising, Design, Publishing

Are you interested in digitally creating and designing content through photography, graphic design and 3D Animation using Adobe Creative Cloud or Maya? Through classes in this pathway you can gain a solid base of advertising, design and publishing elements using industry standard software that prepare you for careers in desktop publishing, animation, graphic design and photography.

Recommended Classes: Digital Arts Introduction, Digital Photo 1-2, AP Digital Photo, Graphic Design 1-2, Yearbook 1-4, Multimedia 1-2, 3D Animation 1-2, AP Studio Art, 3D Design, Advertising, Web Design 1-2, Digital Projects and Digital Arts Capstone

Entertainment Media

Entertainment Media

Whether you are behind or in front of the camera, this pathway will offer you a background in photo and video production. This pathway leads to careers in film and television production as editors, sound engineers, producer and directors as well as a career in animation, special effects and art design.

Recommended Classes: Digital Arts Introduction, Digital Photo 1-2, AP Digital Photo, Graphic Design 1-2, Yearbook 1-4, Multimedia 1-2, 3D Animation 1-2, AP Studio Art-3D Design, Web Design 1-2, Video Production 1-4, Digital Projects and Digital Arts Capstone


Digital Arts Pathway

Digital Arts Capstone

Intro to Digital Arts

AP 2D Photo & Digital Photo


Digital Photography at
Union High School

Video Production at
Evergreen High School

Dual Credit and Graduaton Requirements

All classes provide CTE/Occupational Education credit, or elective or personal pathway credit.

Mount Hood Community College Integrated Multimedia (up to 3 credits):

  • 3-D Animation

  • Digital Photo 1 – 2

  • Graphic Design

  • Video Production 1-3

All digital arts classes provide art credit.

Students can earn junior or senior English credits when taking Digital Projects in their junior or senior years.

Student Leadership Organizations

Student leadership organizations provide students co-curricular opportunities to apply what they learn, develop practical skills, compete, socialize, and become leaders.

Technology Careers Flyer