Computer Science

Coding With Algebra

AP Computer Science

Learn the foundations of computer science and basic programming. Practice your knowledge through game design, animation, and graphics. You can receive credit for both science requirements for graduation, while gaining credit for your occupation education requirement at the same time.

Introduction to Computer Science is a blended-learning course that teaches the foundations of computer science and basic programming. Students who complete the Introduction to Computer Science course, they will have learned about basic programming, Javascript and Graphics, Animation and Game Design, Basic Data Structures, and Hardware (including networking). Students will create several projects and be challenged with activities throughout their structured lessons.

Programming for Game Design (Unity): This course provides students with an opportunity to integrate concepts taught in 2-D and 3-D Animation and Computer Programming to address the growing job demand in digital/visual communications. Students will learn as they develop and demonstrate multiple strategies, goal setting and problem solving into their game design projects featuring the industry recognized Unity game engine. Game design is a vehicle to teach students to read technical literature, write to various audiences through gaming instructions and storyboarding and use the scientific method in developing and solving game design problems.

Recommended Classes: Introduction to Computer Programming, Programming for Game Design (Unity)

Advanced Placement Computer Science Courses: Computer Science A is designed to be equivalent to an introductory college-level computer science course. The blended-learning course covers program design, implementation and analysis used to solve problems and covers standard data structures and algorithms essential for solving problems. The object-oriented programming paradigm is taught and the Java programming language is used. Students will learn about a wide variety of problems addressed in computer science and will have assignments and projects that cover a broad range of application areas.

AP Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. With a unique focus on creative problem solving and real-world applications, AP Computer Science Principles prepares students for college and career.

Recommended Classes: AP Computer Science, AP Computer Science Principles

Dual Credit and Graduation Requirements

All classes provide CTE/Occupational Education credit, or elective or personal pathway credit.

CTE 2 for 1 credit: You can receive 1 credit in CTE (Occupational Ed) for either of the two courses below. In addition AP Computer Science A can be either a science or math credit, the student can choose either one. AP Computer Science Principles qualifies as a science credit.

    • AP Computer Science A

    • AP Computer Science Principles

You can receive credit for Algebra 1A/1B by completing Introduction to Computer Programming/Math 1-2.

AP Exam and College Credit: Please check with the admissions office of your desired college to see what requirements are in place to receive college credit as a result of AP exam scores. These policies differ from institution to institution.

Dual Credit Option: Programming for Game Design (Unity) through Mt. Hood Community College - 3 credits.

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