Introduction to Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework for supporting a positive school climate and culture to support student learning. PBIS practices are research based and data driven. Here is a list pieces of our PBIS program at Cascade Middle School.

Clear Expectations: We set clear expectations that are consistent in all areas of the school. When students know and understand what is expected of them, they are more likely to meet expectations. 

Explicit Teaching of Expectations: We teach all of our students what respect, responsibility, safety and problem solving look like in all areas of the building. We teach through lessons, modeling, practice, and reinforcement. At the beginning of the year and after each extended break of a week or more, we have an all-school organized activity to re-teach building-wide expectations to students. 

Acknowledging When Students Meet Expectations: When students meet expectations, we celebrate! We place our attention and energy on what students are doing right, rather than their mistakes. We use a variety of ways to positively reinforce student behavior including Cougar Cash, Character Cards, and Cougar Pride award days. 

Support for Students Who Do Not Yet Meet Expectations: We view mistakes as learning opportunities. We use research based, proactive, and restorative solutions to working with student misbehavior. Small group lessons are available for students who need additional supports. 

Teaching Prosocial Skills: We believe in teaching the social skills necessary to succeed in school and life. When students’ needs are met socially and emotionally, they are better equipped to learn at higher levels. At Cascade, we utilize the Character Strong curriculum to develop character within all students. 

Home and School Partnership: Together, we are the students’ support team. We believe in working with parents/guardians to support students’ learning and behavior. This partnership is critical to ensuring all students grow and learn at high levels. Communication between school and home is a vital part of our shared success. Questions, concerns and ideas are welcome any time by contacting the student’s teacher, the grade level counselor, the principal, or any member of the school team. We will contact home as well to keep the lines of communication open and to work together for all students’ success. 

CBL Poster - 2022
Expectations Matrix Part 1 - 2022
Expectations Matrix Part 2 - 2022

Cougar PRIDE:  

Positive Respectful Individuals Demonstrating Excellence