Bullying Prevention

Bullying Prevention at Cascade Middle School


Bullying is unfair and one-sided.  It happens when someone keeps hurting, threatening, or leaving someone out on purpose.  Bullying can take place in person or using technology.

Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself. 

Definitions for Terms Commonly Used in Behavior Management & Discipline

Abusive Language:  Words used with intent to degrade or deflate another person’s self-esteem and self-respect; profanity.

 Bullying or Chronic Offenses:  A behavior that continues to occur even after intervention and re-direction. Repeated or on-going behaviors which are harmful to others.  This may include intentionally written messages or images, including those that are electronically transmitted. such as cyber-bullying via social media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, or by any other electronic means communicated either on or off school property), a verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, including gender expression or identity, mental or physical disability, or other distinguishing characteristics when the act:

·        Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property; or

·        Has the effect of substantially interfering with other’s education; or

·        Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or

·        Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.


Stand up for yourself.  Tell the person who is doing the bullying to stop what they are doing.

NO ONE has the right to bully or harass you.

 You have the right to say “STOP IT” and the right to EXPECT to be taken seriously.

Harassment, intimidation, and bullying are against the law and are not tolerated at Cascade Middle School, regardless of whether the behavior takes place face to face, online, via cell phone, on or off school grounds.  Disagreements among students will occur, but these conflicts must be solved without using violence, coercion, or encouraging others to become involved.  


Report the incident to an adult in school (i.e., Security, counselor, or building administrator) by filling out a Cascade Student Incident Report, and/or Visit the Evergreen Public Schools - Safety and Security web page to report harassment, intimidation, or bullying.  This will open an investigation of the incident reported.  If the issue continues, the harassing student will be disciplined.  

Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying  

 Who can you talk to?

At Cascade, we believe in your success and are committed to helping you achieve it.  Write down the name of an adult you trust and let them know that you trust them.