Learning Environment

A Learning Environment in which we Care. Belong. Learn.

The learning environment needs to be preserved from distractions so that optimal levels of learning can occur.  To create an environment where we Care. Belong. Learn. and use safe behavior, the following procedures must be followed. 

Devices: Cell phones, eReaders, Chromebooks, iPods, Airpods, Smartwatches, and Game Consoles 

 To maximize instructional minutes and create distraction free environments, these items can only be used during lunch, before school, and after school.  They may not be used in the hallway during class time.  A student who does not cooperate may have his or her electronic device confiscated and returned either to the student or to the parent (at administration’s discretion-please review the Electronics Policy above).  Text message is not allowed during classroom or other instructional time.  Electronics should be turned off or completely silenced and put away during class time.  

Communication between Students/Parents During the School Day                          

Class time is a priority at Cascade, so we strive to minimize interruptions during that time.  Please help us reduce the need to call the classrooms by limiting contact to students for emergencies only.  Parents/guardians who need to speak with their student during the day should call the main office at 360-604-3600. We cannot connect you directly to the classroom, but we will ask the student to come to the office to return your call.  Students should not be answering cell phone calls or texts during class time.

Bathroom and Water Breaks  

All students will be issued a monthly CMS Hallway Passport.  This document will be 3-hole punched and should be kept by the student in a binder.  To leave the classroom, students will need to show this passport and sign out of the classroom.  No more than two bathroom or water breaks will be allowed in a day due to the loss of instructional minutes.  Students are welcome to use the bathroom or get water before and after school, all passing times, and during lunch times.   Students are also welcome to bring their own refillable water bottle to class. 

Passport Bathroom/Water Pass System

Student must have a pass to be out of class at all times:

Color-Coded Lanyard Pass - Direct route to bathroom or water fountain on the same floor - 4 minutes or less

When a student needs to go to Student Services, Dean, Counselor, Security, Front Office, Healthroom, Library, etc... Students will be issued a handwritten pass.

Skateboards, Scooters, Bikes, or other similar equipment                                  


Student Discipline:

School Board Policy about Student Discipline can be found in the District Handbook as well as in Procedure 3241.

Behavior that  creates a disruption to the learning environment including fighting, is not allowed and will be addressed according to district policy.  All students will have access to multiple Tier 1 Strategies and Supports as well as re teaching expectations as preventative measures and before discipline is administered.  Restorative practices and conversations will also be utilized to repair relationships and community after harm occurs.