
Attendance Office: 360-604-3605—Leave a message 24 hours a day or email

Absences or Tardies need to be cleared with in 3 days.

Attendance for Students

Tardy Policy

If a student shows up to class within the first 15 minutes, they will be marked tardy.  This is for periods 1-6.  Students do not need to have a pass to get into class.  If they have a pass from another teacher or adult (Admin, Security, etc.), then they will not be marked tardy or absent.  If they have already been marked tardy, their mark will be changed to present in Skyward.  

If a student shows up to class after 15  minutes, they will be marked absent.  If the student has a pass,  they are marked present in Skyward.  If the absence is unexcused a robocall will be made home.  

Discipline for Tardies-

When a student receives a 4th tardy in a class, the Dean will assign the student a lunch detention by entering a minor referral using the Behavioral Referral form.  For each subsequent tardy the student will be assigned another lunch detention.    

Just like grading,  Tardies will start over at Trimester.