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Digital education is a prerequisite for success during the 4th Industrial Revolution

The present young generation communicates with each other through modern technologies that they perceive as a natural part of their lives. "She grew up with smartphones and tablets and wants to receive educational content in the way she owns it," says Jiří Stich, Sales Director of ATOS. The members of the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster, led by Atos, consider digital education to be an effective tool for sharing information and improving the skills of students or employees of companies. In the Pardubice Region, therefore, there was an initiative to deploy modern technologies for e-learning not only in the preparation of pupils in secondary schools, but also in job seekers or employees in companies.

According to a number of surveys, schools have not yet decided to make more use of technology or devices in the classroom, which are owned by the pupils themselves. Many of them have never used an electronic textbook, a podcast or a learning game. This is what the Energy-Innovation Cluster is trying to change. In cooperation with ATOS and the Education Department of the Regional Authority of the Pardubice Region, it organized several workshops during this April. In the area of ​​electrical engineering, a meeting was held with the management of the Secondary School of Electrical Engineering and College of Pardubice, attended by a representative of Foxconn CZ, the Andragogy Center and the Development Department of the Regional Authority of the Pardubice Region. It was followed by a meeting about the area of mechanical engineering at Bühler CZ s.r.o. Žamberk, which was attended by the management of the Secondary School of Trade, Crafts and Services in Žamberk and the series of presentations will conclude on Friday, May 19, 2017 at the Secondary Technical School of Chemistry attended by a representative of Synthesia a.s. Pardubice. ETIK activities, based on the Digital Education Strategy up to 2020 prepared by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, are supported by the member of the Pardubice Region Council for Education, Bohumil Bernášek. In addition, education for Industry 4.0 will become the main topic of the Lifelong Learning seminar, which will be held on May 18, 2017 in Kroměříž. At that time, the possibility of drawing funds from the grant titles of the Ministry of Education should be made public.

ATOS has experience in large-scale educational projects. For example, it participated in the development of vocational education in Slovak secondary schools. "Atos has created a portal that gives pupils access to information in high-quality digital form. Today, more than 35,000 pupils have over 1,500 secondary school lessons available. They can study nearly 4,000 pages of text, watch 6,060 minutes of videos, or listen to 24,200 minutes of audio information," says Jiří Stich and adds: "We can cover the entire life cycle of digital education - from selecting the most appropriate education system and integrating it with the customer's information system, preparing educational plans in collaboration with experts capable of reflecting the needs of the production, together with creation and distribution of digital educational content, including operational support."

Age management helps companies effectively use the work skills of employees

The art of managing a company with regard to the age of employees (especially at a time of significant aging of the population) seems to be very important. The lack of younger employees forces companies to think better about how to work with different age groups in the workplace with a view to retaining and effectively engaging older workers. In October 2017 will be announced round call No. 03_17_079 Smart Change in Management, opportunity for growth within the Operational Program Employment with a total allocation of CZK 300 million. Its aim is to support the implementation of the Age Management concept at employers and to support the development of human resources management.

It is a method of management with respect to the age of employees, which takes into account the life stages of a person in the workplace and takes into account his changing resources such as health, competence, values, attitudes and motivation. It includes all age groups in the workplace. Therefore, it takes into account the generation of graduates, parents with small children, members of the generation that provides formal and informal care to other family members and, of course, aging workers, explains Ludmila Navrátilová, Director of the Territorial Employment Pact of the Pardubice Region. "The Covenant staff offers companies an introduction to Age Management, an analysis of the current state of the organization and a proposal to introduce appropriate measures, project application processing and administrative project management," he adds.

The concept of work capability is the basis of the concept, which can also be used by members of the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster, which is the consistency between the individual resources of the worker and the demands of the work he or she performs. "Work ability can be evaluated by the so-called Work Ability Index (WAI). Measurement of the work ability index consists of seven areas; a reference value, which represents the average value of work ability for a man or woman of the same age and performing the same type of work.

Age management measures can include a wide range of activities - such as health care, support and promotion of maintaining and improving employees' physical condition, educational activities, promoting intergenerational cooperation, promoting job satisfaction and wellbeing, reconciling family and working life, motivating various age groups, job restructuring, working environment development, adaptation of work organization, ergonomics of work, shift management according to employees' suggestions, development of personnel strategy taking into account the needs of individual generations in the workplace, etc.

Benefits of employing an Age Management strategy for employers

  • maintaining competitiveness in a market environment

  • reducing financial costs (lower absence rate, reduction of staff turnover…)

  • creating a high quality workforce

  • achieving an optimal mix of skills and identifying future requirements (qualification requirements planning)

  • improving the public image (socially responsible employer)

  • better relationships with employees and greater satisfaction

Conference in Vienna an inspiration for creators of Czech smart cities

The investment of five billion euros, an area of ​​2.6 billion square meters, eleven thousand new apartments for twenty thousand inhabitants, twenty years of intensive construction - all this characterizes the unique European project Smart City Wienna. Aspern - Seestadt, a lakeside town, built since 2011 on the northeastern outskirts of Vienna, fulfills three basic objectives: improving the quality of life of people by using innovative technologies, offering smart solutions and minimizing the consumption of natural resources. At present, there are seven and a half thousand living in this place, but there is a huge interest in newly created apartments and jobs. An international conference was held in Aspern on November 14, 2019, organized as part of a project from the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness called Development of Inter-Cluster Cooperation in Sustainable and Innovative Technologies and Energy Saving organized by the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster Pardubice.

The conference participants, including representatives of the Czech Embassy in Austria, Smart City Vienna, many Czech and Slovak companies, members of the ETIK cluster, local action groups or municipal councils, heard a number of interesting contributions during the day. Kamil Papež of M.C. Triton explained Smart City as a part of strategic planning for the development of towns and municipalities in the Czech Republic, Milan Vich provided valuable information on how to use renewable energy sources in municipalities, how to increase their energy self-sufficiency and safety, or when it is advantageous to use the Energy Performance Contracting method to finance such projects where new technical solutions are financed from savings.

Cluster members attended another conference organized by Nanoprogress Cluster. Luboš Komárek spoke about EU cluster policy and SME support programs, Lucie Vysloužilová from Nanopharma explained Smart nano concept and Benedikt Kotmel from ICT Operator Prague described how Golemio data center works and how to use this data for more efficient operation of the capital. At the end of the conference, Michael Blažíček and Roman Bajčan from Smart Lighting Solution and Jiří Nagy from Lumbio presented not only the economic benefits of biodynamic public lighting. The head of the Aspern - Seestadt development agency Gerhard Schuster in the introduction of the guided tour of the city described the current state of its construction and the uniqueness of the whole solution. This is based on intelligent solutions to energy, transport and renewable energy buildings, as well as the efficient functioning of infrastructure, including communication networks for the rapid development of community society and a welcoming environment for people's happy life.

Although the concept of smart cities and smart regions is not new, the Vienna City Council has made progress in bringing innovative solutions to life, probably the furthest in Europe. Without exaggeration, Aspern Seestadt is one of Europe's most important development projects today.

Nanoden Pardubice 2017 introduced nanotechnology in practice

To raise public awareness of the use of nanotechnology in everyday life and to present Czech nanotechnology companies that are among the pioneers in this field, these were the goals that the organizers of the event called Nanoden Pardubice 2017 have set for themselves. Dozens of people interested in this issue found their way to the Jan Kašpar Regional Office of the Pardubice Region on 12 April 2017. The parade was also visited by Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Bělobrádek, under the auspices of the Governor Martin Netolický. The energy-technical innovation cluster was one of the partners.

Nanotechnologies are used in the energy industry, but also in the field of medicine. Nanorobots will be able to deliver drugs directly to cells without the need for carpet bombing with chemotherapy or antibiotics. They then decompose, disintegrate, or go elsewhere. Very interesting is the area of housing. For example, bricks that can purify the air are produced on the basis of nanotechnologies. We're just at the beginning. However, economies of scale in mass production will one day be considerable. Today it is fascinating, it will be useful tomorrow, explains Pavel Kysilka, founder and chairman of the board of 6D Academy, which advises companies on how to apply nanotechnology to business.

Nanoden visitors were able to see how the filter with nanomembrane for wine filtration works, got acquainted with the Czech patent on air purification in cities using smart paints and also with the use of nanooptics for cars. The production of nanofibers, which is used not only in biotechnology and industrial filtration, but also in anti-mite bedding for allergy sufferers or in nanotechnological face mask, was also on display.

The unique, purely Czech technology AQ3 Agro, which solves the problem of how to ecologically and economically utilize waste from pig breeding or digestate from biogas stations, attracted great attention. "Thanks to the filter system, it is possible to obtain clean water and pellets for combustion from pig slurry. The filtration process is carried out without any chemical intervention and is based solely on purification of water by physical principles," explains the representatives of the Research Institute of Technology, s.r.o.

The event was held under the auspices of Deputy Prime Minister Pavel Bělobrádek, Governor of the Pardubice Region Martin Netolický, Mayor of the City of Pardubice Martin Charvát, Rector of the University of Pardubice Miroslav Ludwig, Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic and Technology Agency of the Czech Republic. The partners of the event were the Czech Association of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and Tradesmen, the 6DAcademy, the Hi-Tech Innovation Cluster and the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster.

The ETIK Executive Committee also discussed its activities and new members

The Executive Committee of the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster met on 6 April 2017 at the Regional Authority of the Pardubice Region. The members of the committee evaluated the work of the cluster so far, approved the accession of several new members to this association and became familiar with the planned activities for the next period. The Executive Director of ETIK Petr Lukáš introduced the planned trip of the Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation of Jan Chvojka to the Pardubice Region. It will also include a visit to Opatovice and Foxconn Power Stations and a presentation of the activities of other members, including projects already implemented, which have a positive impact on the development of the entire region.

Ludmila Navrátilová, Chair of the Executive Committee, emphasized the indisputable advantage that the cluster is multidisciplinary. As the recent conference at the Liechtenstein Palace in Prague, supported by Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka, showed, there is no internal competitive tension in the cluster. Individual members, on the other hand, cooperate in a joint effort to create a favorable environment for the implementation of a number of projects. Moreover, ETIK's strong position is underlined by the planned membership of major financial institutions. The introduction of modern technologies into the energy, education, health and transport sectors remains key topics, which also corresponds with the Pardubice Region's development concept.

The meeting also included cooperation with employees of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, which are responsible for the integration of national minorities, with the regional association of local action groups, the joint stock company of the Pardubice Region Hospital or the Andragogy Center, which is alco to become a member of ETIK. Cooperation with the Territorial Pact of Employment of the Pardubice Region is also important. The cluster has processed an application for a grant for the implementation of the project, the purpose of which is to create job opportunities for people who have been unemployed for more than one year and plans to participate in the Age management project to support the employment of people over 50 years.

The meeting was also a preparation for the General Meeting of ETIK, which will take place on 27 April 2017 in Pardubice.

ATOS 'expertise helps regions address their cyber security

The number of security incidents in data security is increasing year by year. The risk of personal data leakage is not only the private sector, but also the public administration. "There are no borders in the cyber world, and a global company is bringing global threats. Of course, there are laws that bring additional obligations to businesses," says Jiří Stich of ATOS IT Solutions and Services. When building their security infrastructure companies should be based on Act 181/2014 Coll. on Cyber Security or Act No. 101/2000 Coll. on the protection of personal data. Certainly they should prepare for the changes arising from the European Cyber Security Directive.

Personal data collection companies will have to demonstrate clear and valid consent to the processing of this data based on GDPR requirements approved by the European Commission last April, otherwise all activities related to this agenda will be blocked by the authorities. And what could be an even stronger warning: in every EU country, the DPA can take corrective action against companies (wherever they are based) supported by fines of up to € 20 million or 4% of annual worldwide turnover, warns Stich.

Due to the urgency of this issue, a seminar devoted to the establishment of Cyber ​​Security Centers (SOCs) in individual regions of the Czech Republic took place on 22 February 2017 at the ATOS headquarters in Prague. According to Peter Jankovsky of AXENTA a.s., who has 12 years of experience in SOC implementation, the operation of such centers is primarily about creating rules and updating them. Logs received are evaluated, security threats are identified and analyzed. And when there is a security incident, there are new levels in human infrastructure and processes. These isolate the security risk, eliminate the consequences and analyze the causes in an effort to improve existing settings and procedures. However, the greatest problem, according to Mr. Jankovsky, is the lack of experts, who are also flexible. Twenty-eight thousand will be needed across Europe. It is known that the best of the Czech Republic are leaving abroad, university graduates usually only want to program, in addition, what they learn in schools in the already dead Java language and know little about Security Information and Event Management or do not know anything about it at all.

Lukáš Přibyl from Axenta a.s. informed about the Cybernetic Operational Center of the South Moravian Region, which was put into operation in the building of the regional office in Žerotínovo náměstí in Brno last September. The company built this center within half a year at a cost of about 7.5 million crowns from the region's budget (of which 40% went to the construction part). "The center can be built in three months, in addition, the next three months were determined by the physical possibilities on the part of the customer, ie by interaction with the IT department of the regional office," explains Mr. Přibyl. The know-how partner of the region was Masaryk University in Brno, which led it through the pitfalls of the law on cyber security - how to comply with the letter of this law and how to prepare for the future. Today, the Regional Authority of the South Moravian Region, Road Administration and Maintenance, one hospital under the administration of the region and one secondary school established by the region are being piloted. This year, another 30 to 50 organizations that have the most important data or who work with the largest budget will be joined out of a total of 230. "Now, these organizations are being selected. After that, a new tender for the expansion of the center will be launched, its functionality will be expanded and hardware capacity will be increased," adds Lukáš Přibyl.

Axenta has completed the analysis of all 230 subordinate regional organizations. Their connection will sometimes be a problem, mental and technical. These organizations do not have technical means and have not yet addressed cyber security, mostly for personnel reasons. The region will have to invest time, human and financial energy in raising awareness of cyber security, creating a process map, which each of these organizations will then offer for a phased introduction. In order to be able to send data to the collector, which is the property of the region, additional funds will be needed. Is KOC the Big Brother? "No. We are a 'toll gate' that monitors whether a truck has a semi-trailer and has paid a vignette, we do not monitor where it is going and what it is driving. That is not our goal, nor are there any means installed to do it." emphasizes Lukáš Přibyl.

Control and protect your data during digital transformation

How to successfully manage data as an asset while complying with European regulations and rules? These and other questions were answered by the conference entitled SAS Roadshow 2017, which took place on 16 February 2017 in the Prague Congress Center.

The current wave of digital transformation has created a huge explosion of the quantity of data that organizations are working with. At SAS Roadshow 2017, a large number of leading experts have been involved in developing an effective data strategy for this data-intensive period, explains Zuzana Lhotáková of SAS Institute ČR & SK and adds: "In particular, the General Data Protection Regulation, protecting the personal data of EU citizens, poses new challenges in this respect, to which the analysis must respond."

The conference, following the very successful and popular series from previous years, offered participants interesting examples from practice and practical advice. "The world of analysts is no longer just for the insider, it is open to everyone and can help where you would not expect it," concludes Ms. Lhotáková.

The Energy and Technology Innovation Cluster organized a conference on modern technologies with the participation of Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka and Minister Jan Chvojka

The conference entitled Modern Technologies at the Service of the State and Citizens was devoted to how smart solutions can make their daily lives easier for citizens. Under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Bohuslav Sobotka and under the auspices of the Minister for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Legislation Jan Chvojka, it took place on Tuesday 28 February 2017 in the premises of the Liechtenstein Palace in Prague. Current topics were discussed by representatives of the member companies of the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster.

Modern technologies can not only streamline production processes. They should also be part of the daily lives of citizens, improving their standard of living, regardless of their age, educational attainment or their current social conditions, says Minister Jan Chvojka. According to him, it is all about ensuring even greater personal security, facilitating lifelong access to education, helping to develop competences and thus also employability in the labor market. Equally important is easier communication with service providers as well as government and self-government, including ensuring easy access to information or protection of personal data.

Atos: The quality of data security must be a matter of course

It was the urgent need to improve data security in connection with the new EU directive on personal data protection valid from May 2018, emphasized Jiří Stich from ATOS IT Solutions and Services. "It is high time that Czech companies and personal data collecting organizations begin to prepare for individual GDPR requirements. They will need to show clear and valid consent for the processing of this data, otherwise all activities related to this agenda will be blocked by the authorities. An even stronger warning: in every EU country, the DPA can take remedial action against companies (wherever they are located) supported by fines of up to € 20 million or 4% of annual worldwide turnover," Stich points out. He also reminds that, following the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on electronic identification and confidence-building services for electronic transactions in the internal market (so-called eIDAS), further measures in the Czech Republic and the public administration will be needed by September 2018. In line with European legislation, the aim is to establish a system for the identity and identification of officials, including instruments meeting the regulation on the mutual recognition obligation for electronic documents.

Foxconn: A smart city will meet modern lifestyle trends

Bill Campbell, CEO of Foxconn CZ, spoke about the Smart Cities project. "We have been operating in the Czech Republic for almost 17 years and we are not only the largest but also the best commercial employer of the Pardubice Region. We thus feel responsible to invest in projects such as Smart City, which aims to build a complex that will meet the trends of modern lifestyle and at the same time will be fully used by all residents," he said.

Siemens: Innovative technologies to improve the quality of life

Today's society faces a number of challenges - globalization, urbanization, population growth, climate change and digitalisation affect the daily lives of the population, especially in cities. Siemens Czech Republic devoted its presentation to the ways in which companies as responsible corporate citizens and their technologies can contribute to the improvement of the comfort of life for the population.

New technologies can significantly improve many areas of everyday life - transport, infrastructure, security, care for the elderly, children and the disabled, smart and reliable energy supply and communication. Today, it is up to us to choose from the available solutions the ones that will bring the greatest and long-term benefits to the citizens, said Siemens Czech CEO, Eduard Palíšek. In his introductory lecture, he emphasized that Siemens technologies are now applied in all areas of society - from industrial production, public transport and infrastructure to energy and healthcare, helping Siemens to develop the Czech industry and economy. However, Siemens has also supported Czech companies through CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) or educational projects.

In the second part of the presentation, Czech Siemens introduced specific technologies that can help cities and their inhabitants solve specific problems or requirements. Siemens offers solutions in the field of intelligent traffic management (eg smart parking, traffic management), smart energy grids (smart grids) or intelligent building management. In addition, Siemens has developed the City Performance Tool, which models the impact of various technologies (transport infrastructure, building management, etc.) on urban CO2 emissions, air quality and job creation and city budgets. It allows the city to "look" at the impact of its choice of technology and gives cities the opportunity to discuss with experts.

Opatovice power plants: Modern technologies ensure energy security

The use of modern technologies for efficient production and distribution of energy and especially for energy security is one of the priorities of the Opatovice Power Plant (EOP). The importance of the company was explained by its executive director Václav Pašek: "Thanks to the ideal location of our source and the built infrastructure, we are able to deliver up to 25% of its needs to the East Bohemian system in the event of an accident of the superior ČEPS system," he said.

Jan Chvojka: Modern technology must facilitate communication with the state administration

Under the auspices of Minister Jan Chvojka and under the auspices of the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Bohuslav Sobotka, the conference Modern Technologies in the Service of the State and Citizens took place on 28 February 2017 in the Liechtenstein Palace in Prague. The Minister spoke with representatives of member companies of the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster on how smart solutions can make citizens' daily lives easier.

"I pointed out to the representatives of innovative companies present that their technologies not only streamline production processes, but also improve citizens' standard of living and facilitate their daily lives," said Minister Jan Chvojka. According to him, modern technologies are not only part of everyday life of people, they should also contribute to ensuring safety, facilitate access to education and help to find employment in the labor market.

"I also see the challenge for suppliers of innovative technology in the possibility of increasingly easier and more effective communication with the state administration and self-government, including ensuring easy access to information or protection of personal data. I am glad that today I found common language with representatives of the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster," Mr. Chvojka said.

The conference participants focused on digital education, safe home or modern social and healthcare applications. The common denominator of the themes was the necessity of widespread availability of modern technologies and the provision of equal opportunities for every citizen of this state to use smart solutions to improve their living conditions. In addition, the meeting reaffirmed the importance of clusters for managing change by consensus and cooperation in an environment of trust.

ETIK sought inspiration in Vienna

Intelligent solutions for energy, transport and buildings using renewable energy sources, as well as efficient operation of infrastructure, including communication networks, for a faster development of community society and a welcoming environment for a happy life for people. All this is represented by the Smart Cities concept. On the north-eastern outskirts of Vienna, a new city district is being built - Lake Aspern. In mid-October 2016, representatives of the Czech Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster (ETIK) came here to draw inspiration, and also attended the international congress Smart Cities & Innovation at the European House in Vienna.

Although the concept of smart cities and smart regions is not new, the Vienna City Council has made probably the most progress in bringing innovative solutions to life in Europe. It is no exaggeration to say that Aspern Seestadt is one of Europe's most important development projects today, says Petr Lukáš, ETIK's Executive Director. The 240-hectare multifunctional residential center will offer living conditions for 20,000 inhabitants, creating approximately the same number of jobs. "I see the viability of the project in the number of jobs on offer, in a fast and flawless metropolitan network, which will help better two-way communication between residents and city management and last but not least the use of modern technologies, which is not an end in itself but a technical means to achievement of economic goals," says Ludmila Navrátilová, Chairman of the Board of ETIK and a former member of the Pardubice Region Council, who is behind successful energy-saving projects in buildings established by regional contributory organizations.

The smart city concept of Vienna is also unique in the non-traditional division of urban mobility, where 40 percent is public transport, 40 percent is cycling and walking, and only 20 percent is individual car traffic. "Although the smart city concept focuses primarily on urban-type settlements in view of the urgency of solving their problems, it can be equally well applied to small cities and larger smart regions. In this regard, we see the future primarily in cooperation with the city of Pardubice, city of Hradec Králové and the regional association of local action groups," adds Ludmila Navrátilová.

In Aspern, the ETIK delegation met with important people, including Günter Lang of Passivhaus Austria, who presented, among other things, a modern solution for an energy-efficient community building for young people or George Chavdarov of the European Investment Bank, who talked about financing development projects concept of Smart cities and Smart regions in the Czech Republic.

Aspern Seestadt is one of more than twenty development projects that fulfill the smart city Vienna concept developed since 2011 on the initiative of the city management. This initiative is formally summarized in the strategic document "Smart City Wien, Framework Strategy" with a 2050 timeframe. The document builds on the European Union's environmental objectives for 2020, 2030 and 2050, which include resource protection, innovation and quality of life in European cities.

Foxconn has become a member of the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster

Another important member of the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster is Foxconn CZ s.r.o. The agreement was officially concluded on September 20, 2016 at the company's headquarters in Pardubice. Foxconn CZ s.r.o., expects further development of mutual activities with scientific research institutions, support of research and development, use of advisory services or implementation of integrated projects with the help of funds from the European Union from its membership in the cluster.

The meeting was attended by executive director Bill Campbell, vice president of Global Mfg&Supply Chain Jim Darroch, councilor of the Pardubice region responsible for investment and property of Ludmila Navrátilová, ETIK executive director Petr Lukáš, regional director Jaroslav Folprecht, HR director for EMEA Jitka Kratochvílová or Director of Supply Chain Management for EMEA Petr Škoda. Among the participants of the meeting were also Foxconn's project director Vladislav Král, technical director Marek Krejza and project manager Čestmír Kulíšek. The broader context of cooperation is proven by the participation of Miloslav Decker, Director of Strategic Development of Opatovice Power Plant, or Miroslav Němec, Director of Road Administration and Maintenance of the Pardubice Region.

The activities of the ETIK cluster and Foxconn meet at the right time. The company is ready to share expertise and experience in developing Smart Region and Smart City solutions, particularly in the design and implementation of smart technologies. “Our task in the Czech Republic and other European countries is to bring technology solutions developed in China and Taiwan to new markets, to end users in homes and businesses,” confirms Jim Darroch. The Pardubice Region offers itself as a territorial unit, where these technologies can be used by the public administration and business entities with the participation of the cluster and this form of cooperation has been piloted. “We see the future of mutual cooperation primarily in secure data storage and analysis, smart lighting, smart transport, smart waste management and safe energy. The role of ETIK is based on a good knowledge of the needs of the territory as well as in the established and expanding network of important players such as companies, public administration and local action groups that have their influence in the smallest municipalities,” says Ludmila Navrátilová.

Foxconn's membership in ETIK is extremely important for the region's future. Foxconn is a registered trademark of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., Ltd., a recognized global leader in providing complete solutions from information technology and consumer electronics production areas to manufacturing components for communications and electronic devices. In the Czech Republic, it is a group of group companies based in Pardubice and Kutná Hora and it is one of the largest employers in the Pardubice Region.

The regional delegation discussed the workforce or cooperation between schools in Ukraine

At the beginning of August 2016, a delegation of the Pardubice Region led by Ludmila Navrátilová, the Councilor for Investment and Property, took part in a foreign trip to the Transcarpathian region in Ukraine. Discussions with representatives of local governments and representatives of energy and infrastructure companies covered the workforce, cooperation between schools or the activities of the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster (ETIC).

“For example, we have discussed how Ukrainian workers could temporarily help in our region with professions in which there is currently a lack of interest. In a similar vein, we also discussed the possible cooperation of vocational schools, thanks to which students from Ukraine would gain experience at our schools,” said councilor Navrátilová. “We are also trying to deepen the interest in Czech life and culture and especially language. This could be helped by expanding Czech language teaching at schools or providing a teacher for the subject of Czech studies at the local university,” added Navrátilová.

The possible cooperation between universities was also on the table. There is a relatively rare faculty of restoration in Pardubice, and experience in this area would be very useful in Ukraine, which has a number of remarkable monuments. The regional delegation also presented the activity of the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster, which has been associating entities active in the implementation of innovative solutions in the Pardubice Region for three years.

A new partnership is being established between ETIK and Enviros

Security and reliability of energy supply, island operations in the grid and energy management in a given territory are three main topics on which the cooperation between the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster and Enviros will be based. For more than two decades, Enviros has been one of the leading consulting companies in the field of energy and environmental services in the Czech Republic and other European and Asian countries.

A feasibility study of automatic collection and evaluation of data on energy consumption in buildings owned by the Pardubice Region, including pilot verification, became a part of the territorial energy concept of the region some time ago. “The project, which also includes analysis of island operations and critical infrastructure delivery solutions, will provide Enviros with important information and recommendations. It will enable small and medium-sized enterprises cooperating with this company to intensify innovative approach to this issue. Due to close cooperation with the University of Pardubice, ETIK is able to submit proposals for smart solutions,” explains the advantages of the partnership arrangement the Executive Director of ETIK, Petr Lukáš. In his opinion, the possibility of direct business offers opens also through a newly concluded partnership with the Regional Association of Local Action Groups of the Pardubice Region. “Considering the requirements for EC and EPC projects, it is possible to consider their implementation in individual regions by the end of this year. Supported activities include the purchase of advisory, expert and support services in the field of innovation from organizations that have research and transfer of knowledge in order to intensify the innovative activities of SMEs among their activities,” concludes Mr. Lukáš.

The ETIK will help local action groups to improve life in small regions

Are you afraid to walk in the evening in poorly lit corners of your village? New to this city and not sure where to find a pharmacy or where to park your car? Are you looking for a free internet connection in public space or do you need to make a phone call, but your mobile phone battery has run out? Where they bet on intelligent technology systems, you will hardly encounter such a situation. On 28 June 2016, the Smart Region program was also available at SAVE s.r.o. in Hlinsko to representatives of local action groups of the Pardubice region. The program of smart cities and smart regions was introduced by ETIK - Energy and Technical Innovation Cluster.

Over the two years of its existence, it has developed into a strong partner. With its help, the Pardubice Region successfully solves the energy savings of the buildings it maintains for its organizations. “We were the first region in the Czech Republic to take advantage of the EPC (Energy Performance Contracting) projects in the energy sector, the purpose of which is to achieve the highest possible savings with the best investment / savings ratio. Between 2007 and 2012, we invested almost CZK 250 million in the modernization of the energy sector. We recently signed a contract with Siemens to ensure energy savings in 17 other buildings in the region. Energy services for buildings owned by the Pardubice Region are provided with guaranteed results. Another successful project was the electronic data collection in selected localities of the region, which was realized with ATOS Czech Republic under the leadership of its sales director Jiří Stich,” explains Ludmila Navrátilová, Regional Councilor, responsible for investments and property. The program is also feasible in small areas of our region in her opinion. “The local action groups are an ideal partner that works with all stakeholders in the region and citizens, including municipalities and businesses, to accurately define the needs of a location, build up a pool of projects to implement, and then execute these ideas using grant titles and cluster advice. It can be said with exaggeration that the program can address the energy security of companies, but also how much less grandma will pay for gas. Efforts must also be devoted to transport systems, including transport services, waste management and the transfer of science and research results into practice,” he adds. She does not forget to emphasize the necessity of central data storage and protection against misuse, the so-called cyber security.

Representatives of several companies or educational institutions that are members of or closely cooperate with the cluster, such as ATOS, Siemens sro, Artechnic Shréder, O2 IT Services, Naviga 4, University of Pardubice and the College of Construction and Secondary School of Construction Vysoké Mýto, have then acquainted the people present with innovative technologies. The cluster strategy also appeals to the Executive Director of the Association of Energy Managers Zuzana Šolcová. “All participants see the role of the cluster in creating an open platform for innovative solutions at the level of small regions. It can be an intelligent solution for transport, public lighting, electronization of waste management, ensuring reliable energy and participation in the energy market or cyber security,” says the newly elected ETIK Executive Director Petr Lukáš. “Improving the quality of life is not only about energy savings, but also an intelligent parking system that saves time and money, multifunctional modular columns that make citizens feel safer or more electronically driven urban waste management to save money, increase revenues from secondary raw materials and improve environment,” he adds.

According to Olga Ondráčková, Chair of the Regional Association of the National Network of the LAG ČR of the Pardubice Region, the so-called “masks” (”LAGs”) are not only the entity which redistributes the subsidy funds, but above all the regional partner and unifier of project plans of individual members. In unity she sees power, in the sharing of information higher efficiency and sense of projects. "By joining the ETIK, in which we see a strong partner and a good mentor, we can, on our own initiative, become part of the cluster and help solve some problems in the LAG regions," concluded the LAG representative.

Pardubice Region - an innovative region of the future

The Pardubice Region is one of the first in the Czech Republic to become a truly clever region. Three years ago, at the initiative of Ludmila Navrátilová, a member of the Pardubice Region Council, the Energy-Technical Innovation Cluster was established, bringing together entities that are active in the implementation of innovative solutions. On Monday, May 16, 2016, an expert conference was held in the regional office devoted to the results of cooperation of individual members, especially a pilot project in the field of energy monitoring including optimization of individual consumption points and conceptual interconnection of infrastructures and users.

Attention was also paid to EPC projects aimed at providing energy services with guaranteed results for buildings owned by the Pardubice Region. According to Vladimír Špidla, the chief of advisors to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, the projects presented fully fit into the concept of the Government Council for Sustainable Development. One of its themes is the emergence and extension of artificial intelligence. According to him, the Pardubice Region deserves recognition for its proactive and comprehensive approach and also for its efforts to coordinate the activities of individual entities.

The meeting was also attended by the Governor of the Pardubice Region Martin Netolický, the Deputy Governor Roman Línek, the Regional Councilor Ludmila Navrátilová, the Advisor to the Prime Minister Martin Kloz, the Member of the Czech Parliament Jan Chvojka, President of the National Cluster Association Pavla Břusková or the CEO of Siemens s.r.o. Eduard Palíšek.

In addition to ATOS representatives, experts from O2 IT Services, Artechnic Shréder, University of Pardubice, the College of Construction and High School of Construction, Vysoké Mýto, Naviga 4 and Siemens s.r.o. also emphasized the role of clusters and regions in creating an open platform in circulation of needs, innovative solutions and the emergence of individual products - for example, in intelligent transport solutions, street lighting, electronisation of urban waste management, ensuring reliable energy and participation in the energy market or cyber security.

The presentations were followed by a working group meeting and visits to the Pardubice Hospital and Opatovice nad Labem Power Station. The professional conference in Pardubice took place within the framework of the planned “Smart Road Show”, which in cooperation with the National Cluster Association will gradually introduce the issue of smart cities and regions in all regions of the Czech Republic.

Historically, the first day of clusters in the Czech Republic took place in the Pardubice Region

On 28 April 2016, the Jan Kašpar Hall at the Regional Office in Pardubice hosted the historically first Cluster Day. Even the most modern technologies from the area of nanofibres and their use in areas such as health care or industry, functioning of smart buildings, electromobility or drones with thermo vision could not be missing.

“We wanted to tell a story like this in this way. The story of from what is a successful outcome of corporate and university cooperation projects, international cooperation, and to say what clusters are - cooperation, they are a territorial grouping that is significant and that can create a competitive advantage, ”explained Pavla Břusková, President of the National Cluster Association, who was also one of the organizers of the event.

On the cluster day, visitors saw successful Czech projects that have benefited the country's society and economy. The idea of Cluster Day has been born a long time ago. Finally, the National Cluster Association and the Nanoprogres Cluster and Hi-Tech Innovation Cluster joined forces and the first-ever Cluster Day took place on April 28, 2016 at the Pardubice Regional Authority premises.

“We want to show Czech entrepreneurs, the media, universities and the general public how clusters work and what we can do. The mission and goal of Czech clusters is to ensure the realization of Czech ideas. This creates innovative products. We can see that modern technologies are of interest to people and we had the opportunity to present a small fraction of what cluster organizations are able to accomplish, ”said Luboš Komárek, the event organizer and Nanoprogres cluster manager.

Unprecedented in the Czech Republic, the event was held under the auspices of the Governor of the Pardubice Region, the Mayor of Pardubice, CzechInvest and the Ministry of Industry and Trade. “The cluster is basically a proven model from abroad, which operates in many areas and mostly in individual sectors. We in the Czech Republic try to establish clusters in the field of innovation. We are looking for new ways that will lead, for example, to the improvement of the production process and of course to the use of new modern technologies that are in very good condition and are being developed, ”said Martin Netolický, the Governor of the Pardubice Region.

“In my view, clusters are a grouping where technicians and technology can meet, exchange information, because the most important issue is time. Technologies are moving forward quickly and I see clusters as an ideal form for sharing information, ”added the Mayor of Pardubice, Martin Charvát.

Cluster Day in the Pardubice Region in the spirit of lectures on Smart City and Smart Region

Cluster Day was also about lectures. Jakub Slavík, a renowned Smart City expert, also attended one of them. “Smart Cities infrastructure consists of smart mobility, smart energy, and information and communication systems that support it. It is a strategic concept that, with the help of modern technology, helps to improve the life of the city and thus its economic prosperity. In any case, the most important thing is that, despite all the technologies in this city, people are able to live well in said city, ”said Jakub Slavík.

“We are thrilled that there was such an interest in the event. The fact that the invitation to Cluster Day was accepted by an expert such as Jakub Slavík is a guarantee of the highest quality for us and his lecture was a great attraction for the visitors of the event. The others, however, certainly did not stay behind. For example, Vladimír Brož explained the operation of the smart building on behalf of our cluster, ”said Lucie Plíšková, Chair of the Hi-Tech Innovation Cluster, who is also one of the organizers of the event.

On Cluster Day there were also lectures on the topic of Smart Region - even here the best experts presented their knowledge. “The lectures really captivated visitors. Together with Ondřej Mamula, who is our technology partner from a French corporation with years of experience, we focused on the hot topic of Smart Region - its importance, functioning abroad and possible transfer to the Pardubice Region. Milan Vich, Energy Manager of the Pardubice Region, gave a lecture on the EPC projects, ”added Petr Lukáš, Executive Director of the Energy and Innovation Cluster.

Memorandum between Hi-Tech Innovation Cluster and ETHICS

The Cluster Day also saw the signing of a memorandum of cooperation between the two Pardubice clusters Hi-Tech innovation cluster and the ETIK. Both clusters have a lot in common and complement each other. Negotiations on cooperation began at the end of last year, and Cluster Day began a new cooperation. “I see Cluster Day as an event where new contacts and especially cooperation should be established. Where else should we sign a memorandum than here? I hope that we will inspire other clusters and we will achieve much higher results by working together, ”said the ETIK cluster chairwoman and the councilor for investment and property Ludmila Navrátilová.