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SCREEN5 : The robot has a screen and you can send text to it to be display. Text can be in two sizes. There are 7 lines of regular text.

Click here to see the code without comments to copy &paste. ==>
//just the code no commentsuse Libraries.Robots.Lego.Screen use Libraries.Robots.Lego.UtilityScreen screen Utility utilityinteger linenumber=1screen:OutputCenterLarge("Hello", 2) screen:OutputCenterLarge("World", 4) utility:DelayMilliseconds(2000)screen:Clear() repeat 35 times screen:OutputCenterLarge("waiting",linenumber) linenumber = linenumber+1 if linenumber >7 linenumber =1 end utility:DelayMilliseconds(300) screen:Clear() end screen:OutputCenterLarge("Bye-Bye", 3)utility:DelayMilliseconds(2000)
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