Quick and Simple Quorum Robot Programing

Goal: Students will gain an understand of line based computer program by using EV3 and Quorum Studio. Target audience is grades 4-8 but would be useful for beginners of any age. Every effort is being made to make this site and Quorum Studio fully accessible to all learners including the blind &visually impaired .

In less than 2 hours you will be writing simple programs that will teach you some of the basics of computer programing as it relates to the EV3 Robot by Legos. If you have your own EV3 Lego Robot you will need to first install the LeJOS operation system on to micro SD card and install in to the EV3. Don't have an EV3? Not to worry, we have developed a simple method for you to email your code to Tim Lockwood where it will quickly loaded in to an EV3, run and a short movie will be shot and upload to this site where you can view your robot program in motion all with in minutes. Tim will be happy to set up individual office hour for those that interested in completing and testing additional programs this week.