

Vision, Mission, Values

The work of the agency is driven by VISION (the future we will realize), MISSION (the course we will take to reach our VISION), and VALUES (the beliefs we hold true that will maneuver us through the challenges we will experience on our journey).

Goals, Plans

Analysis of a variety of information and data sources help direct the agency to identify goal areas intended to improve overall agency effectiveness and school district performance.  A strategic plan consisting of long-range priorities (goals) is articulated using the NeMTSS problem-solving model (identify, analyze, plan, implement, reflect).  The strategic plan is supported by team action plans and individual employee professional goals.


Agency improvement is a continuous process that is maintained through monthly leadership team meetings and agency staff meetings that occur three times a year (fall, winter, spring).

External Visit

During year 5 of the improvement cycle, an external team is invited to conduct an onsite visit for the purpose of providing feedback on process and progress. This visit includes information sharing, presentations and focus group interviews and culminates with an exit presentation to overview initial findings. A detailed external team report follows.