1.3 Behavioral Expectations

School has five or fewer positively stated behavioral expectations and examples by setting/location for student and staff behaviors (i.e. school teaching matrix) defined and in place.

Early Childhood Examples

Considerations for Early Childhood Settings (Preschool – 3rd Grade)
Behavioral expectations are developmentally appropriate. For preschool programs, there should be no more than 3 expectations.

Copy of Preschool PBIS Teaching Matrix.docx

Behavior Matrix

Brooklyn Preschool
Brooklyn City School District 

Posted Expectations in the Classroom

Brooklyn Preschool
Brooklyn City School District 

Elementary Examples

Noble_Elementary School Behavior Matrix.docx.pdf

Behavior Matrix

Noble Elementary
Cleveland Heights- University Heights School District

Bathroom Poster

Noble Elementary
Cleveland Heights- University Heights School District

Bathroom Prompts

Noble Elementary
Cleveland Heights- University Heights School District

Hallway Poster

Noble Elementary
Cleveland Heights- University Heights School District

Restroom Expectations

Roosevelt Elementary
Lakewood City Schools

Posted Visual for Expectations

Roosevelt Elementary
Lakewood City Schools

Normandy Elementary Expectations.pdf

"Big 3" Poster

Normandy Elementary School
Bay Village City School District

Normandy Elementary Hallway Expectations.pdf

Hallway Poster

Normandy Elementary School
Bay Village City School District

Normandy Elementary Expectation Matrix.pdf

Behavior Matrix

Normandy Elementary School
Bay Village City School District

Secondary Examples

Hallway Expectations

Shiloh Middle School
Parma City School District

Classroom Expectations

Shiloh Middle School
Parma City School District

Cafeteria Expectations

Shiloh Middle School
Parma City School District

Classroom Expectation Matrix

Greenbriar Middle School
Parma City School District

Copy of 2021-22 Middle School Schoolwide PBIS Behavioral Expectations Matrix

Behavior Expectation Matrix and Posters

Strongsville Middle School
Strongsville City School District 

Euclid High School Poster.pdf

Classroom Poster

Euclid High School
Euclid City Schools

Euclid High School Matrix.pdf

Behavior Matrix

Euclid High School
Euclid City Schools

Euclid High School Remote Learning Poster.pdf

Remote Poster

Euclid High School
Euclid City Schools