HQSD Metrics

The emphasis of HQSD in OTES 2.0 is to prioritize and emphasize teachers’ Use of Data as outline in the HQSD Guidance Tool. The Evidence of Student Learning component involves combining multiple data measures into one performance level rating. The Calibrating HQSD - Multiple Measures Metrics template serves as an optional support tool if districts are interested in establishing common growth/achievement expectations to use as a reference document.

Please note: Decisions on the calibration/rating of High-Quality Student Data is LOCALLY DETERMINED. All ideas posted on this page are intended to initiate/support local conversations to determine will work best for your district.

Rubric Language: Evidence of Student Learning

Multiple Measures Matrix

The Evidence of Student Learning Component of the OTES rubric holds the teacher accountable for the growth and/or achievement of their students using two measures of High Quality Student Data. Districts MAY wish to consider establishing a matrix to refer to when combining results from multiple measures.

Please note: Decisions on the calibration/rating of High-Quality Student Data is LOCALLY DETERMINED. All ideas posted on this page are intended to initiate/support local conversations to determine will work best for your district.

Teacher Value-Added (Growth)

ODE Reference/Resource Guide: Using Value-Added for HQSD
District Decisions:

  • Will teachers use the Teacher Composite or Single Year/Subject?

  • Is this a teacher decision or a district decision?

Benchmark Metric Ideas (Achievement)

This could apply to the ODE Benchmarks available as part of the Restart Readiness Assessments (RRA’s) or any locally established district benchmarking assessments utilized.

NWEA MAP Metric Ideas

Class Report (Achievement)
Complete the chart identifying the number of students in each category (combine multiple classes if appropriate). Where are MOST students? In case of a tie, award the teacher the higher rating.

Achievement Status and Growth (Growth)
Use the Achievement Status and Growth report to calculate the percentage of students that met their projected growth. If applicable, combine multiple classes.

Quadrant Chart (Growth & Achievement)
Complete the chart identifying the number of students in each category (combine multiple classes if appropriate). Where are MOST students? In case of a tie, award the teacher the higher rating.

Conditional Growth Index (Growth)

  1. Run the Achievement Status and Growth (ASG) Summary Report
    Select all classes to be included in the analysis.
    Intentionally select your growth comparison period (Winter or Spring).

  2. Create and open the Spreadsheet

  3. Review columns G (Subject) and H (Course) for accuracy; DELETE any rows for non-applicable subjects/courses for the teacher.

  4. In column AM (Conditional Growth Index (CGI)), place curser in cell beneath last row of data
    Excel: Use the Formulas menu to Insert Function – Average.
    Sheets: Use the Insert menu to select Function – Average. Highlight cells to include in average.

  5. Use the Understanding CGI to determine how the MAP Conditional Growth Index correlates to your districts’ locally determined interpretation of the performance level descriptors for the Evidence of Student Learning component of the OTES 2.0 rubric.

iReady Metric Ideas

Growth Monitoring Results (Growth)
Complete the chart identifying the number of students in each category (combine multiple classes if appropriate). Where are MOST students? In case of a tie, award the teacher the higher rating.

Diagnostic Status/Results (Achievement)
Complete the chart identifying the number of students in each category (combine multiple classes if appropriate). Where are MOST students? In case of a tie, award the teacher the higher rating.

District Decision:

  • Will you use the 3-level placement or the 5-level placement?

STAR Renaissance Metric Ideas

STAR Screening Report (Achievement)
Complete the chart identifying the number of students in each category (combine multiple classes if appropriate). Where are MOST students? In case of a tie, award the teacher the higher rating.

STAR Growth Report - SGP (Growth & Achievement)
Complete the chart identifying the number of students in each category (combine multiple classes if appropriate). Where are MOST students? In case of a tie, award the teacher the higher rating.

Classroom/Unit Assessment Metric Ideas

For the identified assessment, analyze the grade distribution. If applicable, combine multiple classes.