Stop the Bleed Training and Resources

Steps to become a Stop the Bleed district instructor

  1. Be a MD, DO, RN, CRNA, NP, PA, DDS, DMD, DVM, PharmD, Pharmacist, LVN, LPN, RD, RT, PT, OT, DCM, DPM Paramedic, EMT, EMR/First Responder, Sworn Law Enforcement Officer, Ski Patrol, Athletic Trainer, TCCC-MP Instructor (both actively practicing and retired Instructors are eligible to be instructors), and TECC Instructor.
  2. Attend a Stop the Bleed face-to-face training at Region 14 or with local first responders at a district in-service training.
  3. Go to and register to become an instructor.
  4. Purchase a training kit Instructors kit or check with Big Country Regional Advisory Council

Stop the Bleed Trainings and In-Service

Inservice Training

Big Country Regional Advisory Council to request inservice training for your district staff and students

Region 14 will continue to offer trainings each month. Check and look for Stop the Bleed

Stop the Bleed Kits

Several companies offer Stop the Bleed Kits. Here are a few sources (This is not an endorsement by Region 14):

Make sure your kits have everything required in the law.

(1) tourniquets approved for use in battlefield trauma care by the armed forces of the United States;

(2) chest seals;

(3) compression bandages;

(4) bleeding control bandages; usually has a Hemostatic Agent such as Carplex, Celox, QuickClot ...

(5) space emergency blankets;

(6) latex-free gloves;

(7) markers;

(8) scissors; and

(9) instructional documents developed by the American College of Surgeons or the United States Department of Homeland Security detailing methods to prevent blood loss following a traumatic event.

  • $1000 Instructors kit one per Co-Op district- 20 were ordered so these are a first requested first received bases

Stop the bleed web resources