LPAC Language Proficiency Assessment Committee
The LPAC Framework provides schools with a guide for successfully operating their program according to the rules and regs outlines in Chapter 89 of the TAC.
Training Resources
Training Prerequisites
Training Modules
Parent Training Resources
Standardized Letters (Required)
The purpose of this communication is to remind school systems of the amendments to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 89, Subchapter BB, effective August 9, 2023. These changes state that the State of Texas has ten (10) required, standardized letters that must be used in every school system that serves emergent bilingual students when communicating with parents. Local educational agencies (LEAs) that are required to provide bilingual education services (including bilingual programs and English as a second language programs) shall use the required, standardized letters provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for each step in the process related to emergent bilingual student programming.
Additional Information
All letters are available in 41 languages and can be found in the EB Portal (TXEL.org) and include the following:
Home Language Survey
Identification and Approval of Placement
Denial Letters
Change of Service
Reclassification & Program Exit/Continuous
A school system, or a vendor acting on behalf of the school system, may provide the standardized letters in paper or electronic format in accordance with the following:
The content of each of the letters must remain consistent; therefore, no content can be added or omitted.
The TEA logo or a statement clearly indicating the contents of the form is required, per 19 TAC §89.1215(b) and §89.1240(a)(3) and (b), must be included.
Formatting changes of any kind may not impact the accessibility or readability of the letter(s).
Although TEA will not review or approve submitted examples for compliance with this guidance, compliance with the requirements may be verified during agency monitoring or auditing activities.
Contact Information
If an LEA has any questions or concerns regarding the use of the required, standardized letters, please reach out to the EmergentBilingualSupport@tea.texas.gov.
As part of the amendments to Chapter 89, Subchapter BB, the state of Texas will now have ten standardized letters that will be used across the state of Texas when communicating with parents.
The content of each of the letters must remain consistent; therefore, no content can be added or omitted.
The TEA logo or a statement clearly indicating the contents of the form is required, per 19 TAC §89.1215(b) and §89.1240(a)(3) and (b), must be included.
Formatting changes of any kind may not impact the accessibility or readability of the letter(s).
Although TEA will not review or approve submitted examples for compliance with this guidance, compliance with the requirements may be verified during agency monitoring or auditing activities.
These letters include the following:
Home Language Survey (Required)
Home Language Survey (All Languages)
Identification and Approval of Placement (Required)
Denial Letters (Required)
Change of Service (Required)
Reclassification & Program Exit/Continuance (Required)
Language Packets (Required)
Below you will find packets that contain all transadapted standardized letters according to the language.
If you require a TEA Standardized Letter packet in a language other than the ones below, please fill out this form to help us meet the needs of your community.
English German Malayam Swahili
Afrikkans Gujarati Marathi Tamil
Arabic Japanese Pashto Tigrinya
Bengali Kannada Pilipino/Tagalog Turkish
Burmese Khmer (Cambodian) Portuguese Ukrainian
Chinese (Traditional) Korean Punjabi Urdu
Suggested Forms (Optional)
The forms included in the LPAC Framework Manual are samples for districts to use for the implementation of a bilingual/ESL program. Suggested forms are provided in fillable PDF only. Please check with your district with regards to these suggested forms prior to use.
To ensure your data is saved, download the form to your desktop before entering information.
Student Progress Forms
Parent Notification of Student Progress - BE Program - Multiple Languages(PDF)
Parent Notification of Student Progress - ESL Program - Multiple Languages (PDF)
Parent Notification of Student Progress - Parent Denial - Multiple Languages (PDF)
Parent Notification on Student Progress and Monitoring - Multiple Languages (PDF)
LPAC Guidance Checklist for Beginning, Middle and End of the Year
Frequently Used Resources
LPAC and ARD Committee Collaboration: Identification and Reclassification Guidance (PDF)
Form - LPAC and ARD Committee Collaboration: Identification/ Reclassification (PDF)
English Learner Identification Reclassification Flowchart (PDF)
English Learner Identification Reclassification Flowchart-Spanish (PDF)
Parent Resources
Identification & Reclassification
Emergent Bilingual Student Identification Reclassification Flowchart (PDF)
Emergent Bilingual Student Identification Reclassification Flowchart-Spanish (PDF)
Emergent Bilingual Student Reclassification Criteria Chart (PDF)
Guidance on Identification-Reclassification LPAC/ARD Committee Collaboration (PDF)
Identification/Reclassification Flowchart
The information and resources provided on this page are available by visiting the TEA English Learner portal www.txel.org/lpac