

  Due on or before November 1st!

All applications are due on or before November 1, 2022. Submit the completed application (Excel file) and the Alternative Language Program/Recruiting Activities Form (PDF) to TEA as attachments in an email to: (Notice the underscore after the word Exceptions in the email address.)

What are the teacher certification requirements for bilingual education and ESL programs? How do I know if I need to file a Bilingual Education exception or ESL waiver?

The following resources are provided to support school districts, including charters and districts of innovation, in planning for providing appropriate bilingual education and ESL program models, as noted in TAC 89.1210 (c) and (d). Additionally, these resources serve to facilitate calculation of potential bilingual education exceptions or ESL waivers and for proper PEIMS coding entry.

Where should I go if I need to file a Bilingual Education exception and/or ESL waiver?

For information on filing a Bilingual Education exception and/or ESL waiver, instructions, and application instructions, visit the TEA Bilingual Education Exception and ESL Waiver Resources 

 web page. Bilingual education exceptions and ESL waivers are due each year on November 1st.

Allowable Use of Bilingual Education Allotment (BEA) Funds Comprehensive Professional Development Plan 

This video explains how to navigate the application for filing a bilingual education exception and English as a second language (ESL) waiver to the Texas Education Agency. Running time is 24:39. For questions, please contact the TEA English Learner Support Division at 

This video walks through the bilingual education program certification requirements and how they impact filing a bilingual education exception to the Texas Education Agency. It also provides examples on how to calculate bilingual exceptions for the application. Running time is 18:34. For questions, please contact the TEA English Learner Support Division at 

This video walks through the English as a second language (ESL) program certification requirements and how they impact filing an ESL waiver to the Texas Education Agency. Running time is 13:09. For questions, please contact the TEA English Learner Support Division at