
In Maths, we have been learning about composite objects. We were given the challenge of creating a structure, calculating the volume and using our knowledge of scale to apply to our answer if it were a real life structure. 

Others in the class have been learning about speed distamce and time! 

We have also been busy doing regular maths relays and murder mysteries where we have been given the chance to aply our learning and to work together! 


In writing we have been focusing on discursive text.This is basically including both sides of an argument to get the reader thinking.For example, if someone wrote a discursive paper on why dogs/cats where better, they would include both sides to the argument. Basically one paragraph or more saying why cats are better, and one or more paragraphs about why dogs are better.


In writing we have also been busy applying our knowledge of reciprical reading. We have enjoyed applying our understanding of the key reading skills:





We applied this learning by creating posters as a group to record outr understanding and new learning about the text

           Current  Affairs  

In social Studies, we have been learning about current affairs. The three varients  are: