October blog

Vitamin C Experiment

Today with Mr Keir we did an experiment all about Vitamin C. We took Vitamin C tablets and put them into cups of water. The tablets dissolved in the water and the liquid turned yellow or orange depending on the type of tablet. Our hypothesis was that the water was going to fizz and we were correct. The tablets also floated which expect.

Halloween Trick or Trot

On Friday 28th October we took part in a Halloween Fun Run with lots of different stations including a football penalty shootout, bunny hops on benches, basketball shooting, hurdles, gymnastics jumps and the slide. We had to do as many laps as we could in half an hour. All of this was to raise money for the school to improve the Secret Garden. Our favourite parts were the penalties and basketball. It was lots of fun!

Perfectly Putrid Petrifying Pumpkin Patch

On Thursday 27th October we took part in the Perfectly Putrid Petrifying Pumpkin Patch.

We brought in pumpkins that we'd carved or decorated in any way that we liked - take a look at the photos to see our designs.

We also got to go to the hall to see everyone else's pumpkins which had been organised into the four school houses - Blair, Culzean, Stirling and Eilean Donan.

There were Minions, unicorns, other animals, Batman, Venom, Maleficent and lots of scary and creepy faces.

Everyone did an amazing job, however the final winners were Culzean!

Quad copter Obstacle Courses

As part of our STEM Challenge all about aeronautics, Primary 6c have been creating obstacle courses with Primary 6b for our quad-copters to complete. A quad-copter is a cuboid with one propeller on each corner.

We worked in teams of 6 and could use items from the gym cupboard for our quad-copter to fly through, over or under. Then we got to test our the obstacle courses - it was much harder than it looked!

We have been having a great time with the quad-copter and we still have so many tasks still to do with it!

By Blake

Halloween Maths Mystery

Today we took part in a Halloween Maths Mystery Challenge. We worked in pairs to solve 5 different clues, each one giving us part of the answer so we could figure out who had won the award for the best Halloween costume.

There was square, cube and prime numbers, negative numbers, large calculations, rounding and identifying the value of digits.

After all the clues we found out the winner didn't have ginger hair, their favourite colour wasn't red, they were dressed as a bat or a skeleton and they were a girl. All of this led us to the winning costume - Ophelia who was dressed as a Bat!

We had lots of fun working in our teams to solve the puzzles!

Pilot Visit

On Friday 14th October we were lucky to have a special visit from Mr Rourke, a senior pilot with Jet2 who has been flying all over the world for more than 25 years.

This visit linked with our current STEM Challenge all about aeronautics. After designing paper aeroplanes and getting through to the second round of the competition, we have more recently been researching different roles in the aviation industry and the skills needed to do these jobs. We have also been designing obstacle courses for our mini drones (stay tuned to read all about that soon!)

Mr Rourke showed us a map of all the flight routes you can take and another of all the ones he has actually done - there were a lot! We talked about why the lines are curved and not straight. We also looked at lots of photos he has taken over the years from the cockpit - islands in turquoise waters, mist rising over mountain ranges and beautiful sunsets. We finished by looking at a mini model of a plane engine and learning all about how it works.

We were then able to ask all our questions - What skills do you need to become a pilot? How long does the training take? How much can you earn? What's the longest flight you've ever done? What's the shortest flight you've ever done? How do you sleep on a plane? What do you eat when you're flying? How many days off do you get per year? The list went on and on!

Thank you so much Mr Rourke for a fantastic morning of learning!