May blog

IDL - Endangered Animals

In IDL we have been learning about endangered animals. Miss Cranson gave each of us an animal that is currently on the World Wildlife Fund's Endangered Animals list to research. We had to use the Chromebooks as well as books to find out lots of information about our animal. 

We talked about bias and reliability and how we could tell which information was appropriate to use for our poster and which information we should ignore as it might not be accurate. 

You can see these close up at the STEM festival on Wednesday 7th June.

P.E. - Javelin

The final sport we are looking at in our block on athletics is javelin.

We looked at different throwing techniques and how to throw it properly using an overarm throw. We also discussed how things like wind can impact your throw distance.

We thought about all the safety regulations involved with this sport too - don't throw the javelin when anyone is walking on the field as you might hit them. 

P.E. - Athletics Stations

This week in P.E. we continued to practise the different sports we have been studying in previous weeks:

Science - How Plants Benefit Society

Linked to our interdisciplinary learning on Endangered Animals and Food Chains, this week in Science we looked at how plants can benefit society.

We already knew that we eat them but we found out more about all the other ways they are used - to make clothes, in beauty products, as a medicine etc.

We chose a particular area to research and made a poster to showcase our learning.

Have a look! You can see them closer up at the STEM festival on Wednesday 7th June.

P.E. - Mini Olympics

After a four week block learning about different athletics sports today we took part in a mini Olympics where we competed the following sports:

We took turns going round the stations where we measured each other's distances and timed each other running the hurdles.

We jumped longer, ran faster and threw further than we ever have before!

Rights Day

On Friday 19th May we celebrated all of our rights.

Mr Milligan and the Equalities Committee organised a fun day for all of us to take part in with different stations celebrating different rights. 

At one station, we had to build shelters to celebrate our right to a safe home.

At another, there was an obstacle course to think about our right to education. Thinking about our barriers to learning and how to overcome them.

At another, there was a wide range of outdoor equipment for us to play with to celebrate our right to play.

At the final station was a big bucket that we had to fill up with water from the outdoor tap. We had to use lots of smaller items to carry the water from one place to another. This was to celebrate our right to clean water.

We had a great time in the sunshine and it was a good opportunity to think about our rights in a creative way.