December blog

Elf on the Shelf

We have had a very naughty elf visiting us this month. We took a vote and decided to name him Candycane. Check out some of the mischief that he has been up to below:

Morgan Stanley Coding

On Friday 16th December, a team from Morgan Stanley taught us how to code. We used Minecraft to do simple codes and make our character move in specific ways so as going forward, turning left or right 90 degrees, sheering sheep, planting crops or covering lava. We completed different challenges focusing on different areas of coding.

The aim of the workshop was to get more children into technology. We really enjoyed it and had lots of fun!

By Aileena

P6 Christmas Party

On Tuesday 13th December, P6 was all together and had their Christmas party.

We first played "Four Corners" where you have to dance to the music then choose a corner when the music stops. The choices were Santa, snowman, tree or penguin. Someone who is not looking chooses a corner and everyone who is standing there is out. Rory and Ismaeel won.

Immediately after, we played musical statues. We were so good that the adults couldn't decide who was out. It came down to a dancing competition. Blake, Kendal and Luke won that.

We then had a snack which was a chocolate bar, crisps and some juice. Then we went back inside and had another dancing competition. The teachers found it really difficult to decide. In the end, the winners were Vyom and Ayra.

We had a book gift waiting for us back in the classroom too!

We all had a fantastic time!

By Shreedatt

ADVENTure Trail

On Friday 9th December all of Primary 6 went to Newton Mearns Baptist Church for a trip. We took the bus from school at 9.30 am and sang songs on the way.

When we arrived we sat down in six groups on chairs and we started to do a quiz all about numbers. We had to guess the number of mince pies eaten in the UK every year and when the first Christmas card was sent. To answer we had to do funny things such as dab, hold our arms up in the air or sit down on our chair. For every answer we got correct we won a marble for our team's bucket. Team 3 won which was Alexander and Waleed's team!

After that we heard some stories about Jesus, both when he was a baby and when he was an adult. The actors were really good and my favourite part was when Mary threw confetti everywhere and it went all over people.

Then we had a snack with juice, doughnuts and cookies. Next we made mosaics and did some scratch art.

We had a really good time, thank you for having us!

By Vincent

Numeracy - Decimal Fractions

In maths we have been learning about decimal fractions.

We had to put the decimal fractions in order from smallest to largest.

We also got put into partners and had to match the decimal fractions to their equivalents - common fractions, percentages and pictures.

Once we were confident with ordering them, we moved onto adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimal fractions.

By Zaina


Over in Literacy Land we have Lego. We are still loving making all sorts of things from it during our yellow target time.

We have been building under water ships, our names, homes with secret compartments, cars and boat like speed boats, cargo ships and electric boats.

It has been very fun!

We will be sure to make some more soon!

By Rai