Home learning

In this section you can find information about home learning and links to resources which might be useful to use at home.

Primary 6c home learning will be posted on our Google Classroom on a Tuesday and is due in the following Monday.

It is made up of a range of active, digital and written tasks.

Languages tasks each week will usually consist of active spelling, plus either a reading or writing task.

Numeracy and Mathematics tasks focus on an aspect of maths that pupils have been working on recently in class.

Normally there will be another task from a different curricular area such as Science, RME, Health and Wellbeing or it may be something linked to a special day or week throughout the year (e.g. International Women's Day or Burns Night).

Home learning may also be project based and span more than one week. If this is the case, it will be made clear on the Home Learning Grid.

Active Spelling Cards.pdf

Active Spelling Cards

Active spelling embeds learning in an active and engaging way, providing learners with a deeper grasp of spelling and vocabulary.

Here are a list of ideas you can use with your child to help them learn their spelling words.