November 2023

Some of our pupils have worked very hard to create this months blog post and are looking forward to you reading it!


Some of us have been learning about algebra. We have to move different parts of the question to find out the value of the letter (unknown) and then we can check if we were right by putting the number back into the question.

Another group of us have been learning to measure, problem solve and convert litres to millilitres. This is a useful skill for when you need to know how to measure something or how much is in something. To convert 2765ml to l you have to divide it by 1000 and we move the decimal point (it's is at the end of the number but it isn't shown just now) three spaces (as the three zeros tell us how many spaces to move) to the left and the answer would be 2.765L or 2L and 765ml.

Some of us have been learning about function machines and number patterns. We have had to learn that when the input goes in something happens and the new output comes out. We have used plus,  times, takeaway and divide as the functions in the middle. We have also been looking at number patterns and working out what something is going up or down in.

Literacy - Novels📖

How to Train your Dragon

We have all been reading the book called How to Train your Dragon. It is about an underdog who is called Hiccup and he is meant to train his dragon for the tribe. Everyone makes fun of him because he is smaller than the rest and seems a bit different. He is also the son of the chief. 

The Boy at the Back of the Class

Some of us have been reading this book. We have been learning about the main character in the book and the new boy that joined. He is a refugee from Syria (He had to leave his country because it wasn't safe for him) and he can't speak the same language as the others but they still want to be friends with him and help him. 

The Iron Man

Some of us have been reading a book called the Iron Man. We learnt that nobody knew much about him like where he came from. He seemed really sad and hurt himself falling off a cliff. He had to put himself back together again. Now in the book the people have trapped him in a trap and they don't seem to like him.

Oliver Twist 

We got to read about all the characters. The story was sad but had a happy ending. Oliver Twist is about a boy who lost his mum and then he had to live in a workhouse that wasn't nice and there were mean people there. He then thought he made friends but they were just trying to get him to steal. At the end a very nice man took care of Oliver and he was happy.

Scottish Wars of Independence 

The class has been learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence. We went back to the start to learn about all the key figures and why it was complicated. The pupils have enjoyed learning about the different key figures and battles throughout this period in time and have enjoyed a few Horrible History songs as well. They have been able to create fact files for different important figures using a mixture of their notes and information sheets. They have also been able to complete a research task using the Chromebooks to find key information about their chosen battle. Together the class created their Success Criteria, identifying all the good qualities a poster should have and how they would be able to check if they had been successful by the end.


In gymnastics we were learning and practising our balances, our jumps, rolls and routines. We used the equipment and we would go on the boxes, hold a balance and jump off using one of the jumps were learned. We were able to learn how to do headstands, forward and backward rolls. At the end we came up with a routine using what we had practised. 🤸