Final Term 2024

The class deserves a massive thank you for all their hard work and kindness through the year! They definitely deserve holiday!

Stirling Castle Trip  

The pupils had a fabulous time on the trip to Stirling Castle, they loved exploring and learning about everything in the castle. 

Some of the pupils wanted to write about their experience:

At our Stirling castle trip we saw some creepy kitchens. There was food like peacock, chicken, deer and  bread. We went to the dungeon and it was very dark and scary. We went on the walk around the wall and it was very  high up . The path was very narrow. Some of us went on a lego hunt and we had to run around and find the lego people in the displays. There were lots of very old things that looked cool. We brought some money to spend in the gift shop and there were lots of different things available. It was very very fun. 


During the first half of Primary 5 we spent our time learning French and in the second half we have been focussing on Mandarin. 

Our blog writers have shared some key moments from the lessons:


We have been working on a range of topics this last term such as: percentages, coordinates, algebra, estimation and order of operations. 

We have since been focussing on revising concepts that we have covered through the year. It is always important for the pupils to revise what has been covered through the year to ensure they remember how to solve the questions. Revise using games such as those found on topmarks or by going through previously assigned homework and giving the work another go.


The pupils have been having a go at being movie reviewers. They have watched some movie shorts and then critically reviewed them. While doing this they have had to think about providing reasons for their opinions, sharing their ideas and use some of their persuasive techniques all while writing in an engaging and exciting way!


We were learning how to have a safe start and safe stop, you had to pretend one side was a pavement and one was the road. You would look left and right and place your bike on the road and then you would check before getting on. You then signal with your hand out to the side and then you can go onto the road. Abigail F

It was fun but it hurt our legs because we were doing it for so long. Lyle

We had to do the M check. We had to check the tires and the wheels, breaks and handle bars, that the seat was at the right height and then the back wheel. Yahia

We had to check to make sure our helmet was at our eyebrows so it was far enough down if you fell off and that it was tight enough. The straps should make the triangle around your ear. Robyn

At the end we got to do a couple of laps around and got a badge and certificate. Yahia and Lyle

Theme Park Designs 

We were drawing and designing our theme park, we had to use some maths to work out the area to make sure it would all fit. Daniel

We had to then ask permission to build it. We wrote a persuasive letter to the council to convince them to build our park. Ralph

We had to draw it all out and design what it looked like and created this on a map. Olivia M

We then created a leaflet to explain what we had, our logo and the rules. It was to persuade people to come to our park we had offers on it to persuade them to come more than once. Robyn

We got to design our logo on the chromebooks and on our piece of paper. Lyle

We then walked around and looked at everyones work and got to share our ideas and thoughts and give feedback. Abigail J

Some art pupils had recently created. They had to carefully blend the colours together and think about where the shadows would show.