We can't believe it is already the Spring Holidays! We have learned so much this month and thoroughly enjoyed all of the World Book Day activities. Please read below to find out about what we have been learning this March! 😊

World Book Day 2024

We has so much fun celebrating World Book Day. First, we designed and created a large bookmark as part of a whole school competition. We came 2nd place, and won a £75 Big Bookmark Bonanza gift voucher! We have chosen lots of new books for our class library with this. Some of us made some Book-tato's at home, take a look at the bottom of this blog for some more pictures. We also had a book picnic, where we got to read our favourite books from home with friends all cosy. Then, we participated in a book café, as part of this we 'tasted' and reviewed some books which allowed us to consider books that we wouldn't normally want to read. Lastly, we had a golden ticket hunt in the library. It was a busy day!📚

Trip to Amazonia  

We went on a school trip this month to a place called Amazonia. First, we had to get the bus from school to Amazonia, it felt like a long time because we were all so excited. When we got there we had our snack and got ready to see some animals. Our guide took us around the place and we met some ducks, spiders, snakes, birds, monkeys, bats and insects. We were told lots of interesting facts like "Bats cant see the colour red" and "Mosquitos eat bat poo!". After that, we were taken into a room where we got to hold some of the animals. We were very brave and held a cockroach, turtle, and a snake!! Miss Lees wasn't as brave as us. We had a great time and learned a lot. 🐍🐢🦜

Numeracy and Maths 

For our group we have been doing angles and compass points. We learned about right angles which are 90 degrees, obtuse angles which are more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees, and acute angles which are less than 90 degrees. We have also looked at complementary angles which are angles which equal 90 degrees when added together, and supplementary angles which equal 180 degrees when added together.

Written by Hadi and Maryam

Our group has been learning about squared and cubed numbers. A squared number is a number that is multiplied by itself, and it has a little 2 above it. A cubed number is a number which is multiplied by itself 3 times. We have been looking at function machines, we need to figure out the output, input, and the rule. We think we are getting good with this!

Written by Kani and Mayank

We have been leanring more about dividing big number using bus stop division. We have also been looking at dividing using remainders, this is tricky but we can do it using things around the classroom to help us. We liked playing times table bingo to help us practise our times tables.  

Written by Harper and Kyaan 


During P.E time, we have been working on our target throwing skills. We have explored this skill in a number of different ways, including bowls, basketball, and bean bag throws! We have loved building on this skill. 

Additionally, we have been looking at friendships. It was good to have a deep discussion during circle time to think about the qualities that we like to see in a good freind, and things that we would not like a friend to do. In Primary 4b, we would like to have caring freinds who listen to us and make us laugh! We know that a good friend wouldn't hurt us physically or emotionally and they would be fun.


You might remember from last months blog, that we were using what we had learned to have a persuasive debate on homework. The children used their persuasive notes and took to the front of the room to have fantastic debates with great points backed with evidence. It was really hard to choose a winning side on each debate. 

This month, we turned into witnesses of a crime scene! As part of our writing, we have been focusing on writing a range of recounts. For one of our recounts we were witnesses of a crime and it was our job to support the police in solving the crime by writing a witness statement of what we saw. Thankfully, we think we helped the police a lot. We also wrote some brilliant recounts about our trip to Amazonia. We all know that a recount must be written in the first person and in the past tense. 

Additionally, we have been learning all about imagery and the different techniques a writer might use. We began looking at metaphors. We found these a little trickier than similes but have worked really hard to try and incorporate these into our written work. 

Finally, since World Book Day there has been a real buzz in Primary 4b around reading. We are all so keen to read as much as possible. Many of us are brining in books we love from home and are enjoying our new class books that we chose. Some real favourites are: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Bunny vs Monkey, and books by Pamela Butchart. 

Our 'Can Do' Curriculum 

We hope that you enjoyed coming to visit our 'Under the Sea Showcase'. We all learned so much from the pathway and we hope that you did too. In case you weren't able to make the showcase, here are some pictures of our art work and fish that we made from rubbish. 

Book-tato - World Book Day 2024

Trip to Amazonia - Pictures