Take a look at our achievements in Primary 4b.


H was super happy to share his medal that he was awarded at the Maidenhill Football club. Lots of other boys and girl participated too! "P4s and P5s were participating and one team won. There was 7 teams in total and we had pizza and some drinks afterwards! Well done H and everyone who took part!


A was happy to share his new badge that he was awarded at Cubs. "I got the badge for going camping, we done campfires and made some pizzas from pitta bread!" Keep up the wonderful work, A!


G was awarded this lovely medal for her rugby competition. "I went to Helensburgh and took part in the competition with my rugby team. I feel really happy with my medal and we came first!". A big well done from us all, G!


A was proud to share that she passed her grading and got given a new purple belt. "I have been doing karate since I was in Primary 2. I was really happy because that was the belt that my Dad was on for quite a long time". Brilliant achievement, well done, A!

Football Tournament

A went all the way down to Blackpool to compete in a football tournament. "The drive took 3 hours and I came in 3rd place! I feel fantastic about my achievement". What a super job, A. A big well done from us all. 


K was proud to share her big medal that she was awarded during her first judo competition. "The competition is once a year and it was my first time. I felt kind of scared at first but then I got use to it and I wasn't scared anymore". Brilliant job, K! 


I was so happy to share her 4 certificates for her dancing exams. She got these for Modern, Majorette, Tap and Ballet. "I do these exams every year and move up levels. I really enjoy dancing and it is really fun". Super job, I! 

Book-tato winner

K was the Primary 4b winner for the World Book Day Book-tato competition. He designed a super creative Captain Underpants potato with a lovely big grin. "I really like the look of it, it was fun to make . When I was buying the potato everyone in the shop had lots of things like milk and cheese and I just had 1 potato". Great job, K!


K was proud to share his medal and certificate that he was awarded for his tutoring. "You get a certificate when you reach 1000 points or more, it was kind of hard to get" K. Well done, keep it up K. 


E and H were proud to share their medals and log book from skiing. They both attend skiing lessons in France. "We both passed level 3, we think that it is called the Bronze mouse level. It was quite tricky" E and H. Super job you two! 

Charity walk 

T completed a 5k walk for charity 'St Vincent’s Hospice'. "I did the walk with my Mum and Dad, and my Dad wanted to do the 10k walk with one of my Aunties. I had a really fun time, but it was tiring". Great job, T.

Guide Dog Adoption

A was very proud to share the 3 guide dogs that she has adopted. "The three dogs are called Douglas, Kevin, and Bailey, and I hope they are a good help for someone who needs their help". What a lovely thing to do, A!


A won a massive trophy for winning a football tournament with his team! Brilliant job, A!


A was awarded a medal and certificate for her super performance in the production 'Elf'. "The performance was in front of my parents, I was very proud of my performance and felt confident on stage." Super job, A!


S was keen to share his trophy that he was awarded at football. "After each season you get a reward for your hard work and I got some chocolate too!". Great work, S!


R was really excited to share the certificate that she was awarded for dancing in the 'TAS Deepavali Sambaralu'. "I had a bright dress on when I was performing my dance. I performed 4 dances" R. Fantastic job, R!


G won an award for most improved student at karate and got her yellow belt at grading. What a super achievement, G!


I was awarded her 'Sixer' badge from Brownies. "I got this badge for being in brownies for the longest in the ghillie dhus" I. Super work, I! 

Swimming and Football 

O was excited to bring in his medals that he won when he lived in the Cayman Islands. He won them for swimming and football. Well done, O!


A has recently joined Beavers and was keen to share his new scarf and certificate with the class. He is excited to earn more badges and fill his log book. We looking forward to hearing more, A!

P4b Maidenill Parliament


I is Primary 4b's new Maidenhill Parliament Representative. She is looking forward to attending her meetings throughout the year. We know she will do a great job!