It has been a jam packed couple of months. We began our new context Myths and Legends which we have been loving. Please read below to find out about what we have been learning in April, May and June! 😊


During Literacy time , we have been learning how to write clear, organised and detailed instructions. To help us write our first set of instructions, we made our own Play-Doh.  Then we used our skills to create some instructions to make some cool magical potions! We had shape shifting, love, and smart potions. Miss Lees isn't too sure where we would find some of our ingredients. We all now know the main elements needed in instructional writing - time connectives, bossy verbs, interesting adjectives and numbered steps. 

As well as instructional writing, we have started writing for enjoyment whilst focusing on writing in paragraphs. Miss Lees has been teaching us the 'burger' method when structuring our own paragraphs. This is a really helpful way to remember how to use these in our writing! We are really good at writing in paragraphs.

Finally, in grammar, we have been looking at synonyms and antonyms. To learn more about synonyms we made 'Synonym Buns' for some words. On the inside of the bun was a word, e.g., pretty, and around the swirl was words which also mean pretty (beautiful, gorgeous etc.). Similarly, we deepened our understanding of antonyms through making some 'Antonym' bugs! We are confident with both of these now. We have also been revising contractions and how to use them properly, e.g., I'd = I would.  


In PE, we have been working on our racquet skills through practising badminton and tennis. We sure do have some experts in Primary 4b who have been a great second teacher with Miss Lees. We worked on our serving skills alongside developing the ability to have a rally. Around the world was a fun way to practise this. Some of us are even able to hold small games in badminton with a partner with a rally over 10! 

Numeracy and Maths 

We have been learning about the order of the months of the year. We also learned a trick using our fist to learn how many days are in the months of the year. Then, we use a calendar to help plan different events and look at how the months are structures. Sometimes it is a leap year so there are more days. We were also surprised that the 1st of every month is not always a Monday! 

Written by Aurora and Fatima

Our group have been learning how to times and divide decimal numbers by 10, 100, and 1000. To do this you need to know place value and weather you need to move the numbers left or right. We have also been learning to find factors and multiples of numbers. To learn about factors we made some factor bugs - a factor is one of two or more numbers that divides into a number without a remainder or a number which can be times by another to make a number. A multiple is any number that is in the times table, e.g., 0,2,4,6,8 are multiples of 2!

Written by Molly and Thomas

We have been learning how write numbers to 10,000 and beyond in words. We were also learning more about meters and centimetres. A meter has 100cm. We used this to help us convert between cm and m - for example 7m is 700cm or 67m is 6,700cm. Our group are also very good at estimating the length of things. To finish off we also had a little revision of fraction and how to find a fraction of a number. 

Written by Grace and Maria 

Look above: Do you like our potion instructions and contractions? 

Look below: How good are our paragraphs using the burger method!

Some Air hockey in PE to develop our balance and core strength as a warm up. 


IDL: Myths and Legends 

Over the last couple of months we have absolutely loved learning more about famous Myths and Legends. 

First, we learned about the Kelpies. We learned that the Kelpies are a shape shifting animal that could turn into Nessie maybe! We drew some pictures of the Kelpies using the sketching technique, we thought these were very good. I believe that Kelpies are real! Do you? -Isla W 

Then, we learned about the Loch Ness Monster also known as Nessie and we learnt that Nessie lives in Loch Ness. Some people think that Nessie is an a evolved dinosaur. We acted out someone seeing Nessie in a photo and being interview, they were really funny! Do you believe in Nessie? I do. - Sandy 

Finally, we learned about some myths and Legends in the sea and we learned about the Kraken. I loved learning about the Greek Gods and Goddesses, I already know lots of facts about these which I could share with the class. Zeus is God of the sky and has two brothers, Hades and Poseidon. I believe that some Greek Gods are real. Do you? - Olly 

Myths and Legends: Construction 

After learning about the myth of the Kelpies, K and A constructed some Kelpies from blocks. We have all decided that we would not like to come across a Kelpie! 

One of the class books has been based on the Chinese Folk Tale 'The legend of the Nian'. K decided to build Nian in our construction corner. 

Science Fair: Building a catapult from lollipop sticks and rubber bands
