It has been great to get back into learning after a lovely winter break. Primary 4b have enjoyed learning some Scottish poems and songs for out tartan assembly. Please read below to find out about what we have been learning this January! 😊


During our Literacy time, we have been developing our poetry skills. We have explored a range of poems and had a go at writing our own in a rhyming and haiku style, take a look below. Similarly, we linked our learning to the real world by learning some Scottish Poems and songs in the run up to Burns Day. We know you will have enjoyed hearing us practise at home! "Aw, daddy, get us a dug. Will yi" was a particular favourite line of ours. 😊

Following on from December's blog post, we have all been delving deeper into our novels. We enjoy completing lots of difference tasks to help understand the texts further 📚

During Grammar time, we have been learning about speech marks. It was fun to write on the tables and use macaroni to act as inverted commas to identify the spoken parts of sentences. We then made our own funny comic strips using speech bubbles to help identify the parts of the text which should go inside of the speech marks. 

Rhyming poems. 

Haiku poems. 

Numeracy and Maths 

Our group has been doing weight and mental maths and word problems. In weight we are learning to convert g to kg by dividing 1000, and kg to g by x by 1000. We had to learn about decimal numbers for this!! We learned different strategies to help do maths calculations in our head, the numbers can get a little bit tricky but we can do it. In words problems it is really important to read the question carefully so that you use the right numbers. 

Written by Anna and Molly 

My group has been working on vertical calculations when multiplying big numbers. We have been practising our times table patterns, I think that I am really good at them. 

Written by Hailey  

My group was learning symmetry and how to find out how many lines of symmetry shapes have. Also my group was learning data collection and how to present the data. We used the Chromebooks to make a bar graph. We also been revising quarter too and quarter past. When it is quarter past the big minute hand is at the 3, and when it is quarter to the big minute hand is at the 9. 

Written by Katie and Sandy


This month we have been practising our gymnastic skills during our PE time. We have developed our flexibility through a variety of stretches, some of us can even do the splits (Miss Lees is very jealous!). We have also been working on travelling on the floor, jumping from the boxes, and balancing. Do you like our balances!  🤸‍♂️

Additionally, during our HWB lessons we have been learning about ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle, with a particular focus on healthy eating. It was very interesting to sort foods into the 5 main groups and think about where our own snack fit into this!  🍎🥕

Learning across the Curriculum 

Primary 4 have chosen their new context for the current block: Animals and climate. 

We have discovered that there are three main climate zones on our planet and many different animals live in each of these. The three main climates are polar temperate and tropical. 

Penguins, polar bears, seals, artic foxes, narwhals, and killer whales live in the polar climate. 

Iguanas, parrots, snakes, toucans, and dart frogs live in the tropical climate. 

Deer, sheep, cows, moose, geese, and horses live in the temperate climate. 

We are learning what our actions can do to the Earth and trying to help the animals!

We made some polar climate habitats from shoe boxes. Do you like them?❄🐧

Written by Roshini and Aayan