
Team building

This month we have been focusing on lots of team building activities as a new class. P5/6 loved some of the team challenges in PE, creating their own product/advert and building a tower from spaghetti!

Class novel

We have been enjoying this book as our class novel. We've been enjoying making predictions about what we think will happen next and summarizing the key points of the chapters in our own words.


P5/6 learned about what makes a good advert. They designed their own product and advertising campaign. We loved listening to all the jingles created!


This month, we have been enjoying doing lots of maths revision. We particularly enjoyed learning some new maths games and taking part in a multiplication treasure hunt.

Growth mindset

We have kick started our year with learning about having a growth mindset and that making mistakes are just opportunities to learn! Here we have some art work that we created and decorated our class with.