October 2023

October news

Well, October seems to have whizzed by in a flash yet the classroom has been all a buzz with learning!

The children have been working very hard on their literacy and numeracy targets this month, practising new phonics blends, spelling rules and revising our common/tricky words to be able to transfer these with confidence into our writing. We have been writing some super stories this month, working hard to include adjectives to our marvellous descriptions. When reading new texts, we have been putting 2 Alpha's love of drawing to the test with lots of visualisation too! Well done, boys and girls.

In maths we have been exploring the months of the year, place value, vertical addition calculations, finding patterns and exploring and sharing our own mental maths strategies too. The children love our UNO maths games and team countdown maths challenges, where we work together to share our strategies to answer problems across a variety of mathematical concepts. Rachel Riley, watch out! Primary 2 Alpha are on the case. 

In our Health and Wellbeing lessons with Mrs Renfrew and Mr Edge we have been improving our general fitness and flexibility through Yoga and considering what makes a good friend too. Meanwhile with Mrs Allan, we are dusting off our dancing shoes to begin creating and performing our own dance routines, using position and movement in different ways. This class is just brimming with creativity and expression and so I cannot wait to see the children's final performances!

For our wider context for learning, this block we have been learning about agriculture through our Farm to Fork activities. The children have been developing their understanding of agriculture and local produce, investigating how food makes its way from farms into our homes. In a little advertising analysis, the children were able to identify the techniques used by advertisers to market sweet treats to children and used this to create their own vibrant adverts for fresh fruits and vegetables! I'm sure that mums and dads at home will be delighted to hear that when presented with fresh produce and boxed items, the boys and girls unanimously preferred the fresh fruits and vegetables. Well done team Alpha!

What's next?

The children are so excited to learn about the different planets in our solar system and are very much looking forward to our school trip to the Science Centre this November. The school office will be in touch soon to confirm arrangements and of course we will be on the look out for some willing parent helpers to join us.  We would be so grateful for your support.

Next week, we will begin a new program of DLL (Daily Literacy Learning). This is a whole class approach to teaching skills for reading and writing, which we will carry out every day together. We will take part in daily activities to help to strengthen our reading strategies and knowledge of common and tricky words to support us in our learning. 

In Maths, alongside our work developing knowledge of the operations of number, we will also be exploring money, time and measure. 

As always, your support with Home Learning activities, reading together for the pleasure of a good story and taking opportunities to talk about number wherever you can at home are truly appreciated!