December Update

We wish you a merry christmas...

The boys and girls have been working so hard over the last month on their fabulous Twinkly Nativity performances. I can truly say that my heart is bursting with pride, having watched the children sing, dance and perform in front of their families and friends today. It has been such a joy to support the boys and girls in putting on a fabulous performance and the children are truly little superstars. 

Our nativity set design was almost exclusively designed by our very own Harper! She really brought the nativity to life, with the help of her friends to up-scale her drawings into a wonderful backdrop for us all to share. It has been so lovely to see the children in the props team practising their sewing skills with Mrs Black to make our innkeeper costumes and props galore. You all did a truly wonderful job, boys and girls. It would not have been the same nativity without your creativity! 

Our band did a wonderful job of keeping in time with the music and playing their instruments for the world to hear. Not only did the boys and girls manage to play and organise a variety of different instruments, but they sang and tapped along to the beat of the music with such energy and enthusiasm. I could not be more proud!

Our dancers were such a joy to watch. I have been blown away by the complicated choreography that you created and performed together so beautifully! Not only that, but the children taught their friends the choreography too so that they could dance along with the movements on stage and from the wings. I'm sure even Anton du Beck would be impressed by the talents in P2 Alpha. 

And lastly, our wonderful actors and actresses... Boys and girls, you truly did yourselves and everyone around you proud! The expressiveness of the boys and girls, their commitment to learn lines and to not simply follow but to create their own stage directions too was truly magnificent. I can see some names in bright lights for the future, I'm sure! 

I had a little tear in my eye from the front of the stage as I watched our class come together with the boys and girls from Primary One through to Three. You all shone brightly today boys and girls, and I will hold my own memories from today very dear to my heart. 

Of course, December has not just been about our nativity... Oh no it hasn't! The boys and girls have continued to work hard on their literacy work and are progressing beautifully in maths too. We have especially enjoyed our Christmas maths challenges, solving word problems about Santa and his elves and sharing our strategies together. We, of course, also had our fabulous Christmas party. The children had a wonderful time, dressed to the nines in their party gear. Even Mr McDonald himself commented on the bright sparkles shining from P2 Alpha! 

All that is left to say, after a very busy month, is a huge thank you to all of our parents at home. Thank you for all of your support between helping children to learn lines, to sing beautifully and your contributions to the wonderful costumes on display for our nativity. I truly wish all of our families a wonderful festive period with loved ones, filled with joy, laughter and love. I am so looking forward to welcoming you all back to school again in January and hearing all of the lovely memories you have made at home. 

Have a very merry Christmas boys and girls!

With love, 

Mrs Allan