March Update

Hello everyone, hope you're all well. 

Here is our March newsletter with updates on the life and learning of Primary 2Alpha :)

Mr Edge & Mrs Allan


Dictionary Skills

One of the comprehension skills we've been developing has been our ability to use a dictionary to find the meaning of words. We started by enhancing our knowledge of which section of the alphabet we find the different letters in, so we could open the dictionary closer to the word we're looking for. Then we practised putting different groups of letters, and words in alphabetical order, before applying that knowledge to find different words in the dictionary.

World Book Day

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, for homework we created something linked to our favourite book characters. We then used these to stimulate conversation with our classmates about our favourite books. We shared what they were about, our favourite characters, and what we loved so much about the books we chose.

Numeracy & Mathematics

Measure (l/ml)

Some children have been exploring the concept of capacity, seeing how much different objects around the classroom could hold and how, for example, 100ml looks in different shapes of container. Having developed their understanding of what different volumes looked like they then applied that to make their estimations more accurate. 

Measure (Kg/g)

Other children were developing their ability to estimate how heavy different objects are. They explored what different everyday items weigh and the different scales they could use to weigh them, before gathering various items from around the classroom and comparing their own estimations with the correct weights, continuing to increase their ability to estimate.

Outdoor Learning

Growing Plants

As part of our learning about what plants need to grow, Primary 2 started by sowing different kinds of beans indoors, before transplanting them outside. They then used another planter to sow carrots.

Properties of Materials

Primary 2 went on a 'material hunt' around the playground to find different types of materials. They then explored the different properties that each of them had.

Symmetry Art

As part of our exploration of symmetry Primary 2 worked in groups to create pieces of symmetrical art in the Secret Garden.