March 2024

Science Centre Road Show 

This month we got a visit from The Science Centre, we learned all about digestion and how amazing our bodies are at breaking down everything we eat! " I liked seeing what is inside our bodies" said S.  " I enjoyed watching the food digest because it was disgusting" said L. 

Watching how our food moves through our body.

We looked at 'Good' and 'Bad' foods.

Exploring how our body digests food.

Racing as a Large Intestine.

Anti- Bullying Workshop 

The Primary 7s invited us to an anti-bullying workshop, which was really interesting! The Primary 7s had worked very hard to help us understand what bullying is and what to do if we are experiencing bullying at School. 

World of Work

We have been exploring the World of Work, we have really enjoyed looking at all the different jobs we could have when we grow up.  As a class we managed to come up with lots of different jobs ranging from Vets, Doctors, Dentists to Youtubers, Artists, Builders and many many more.  "I want to be a firefighter" said W.  "I want to be a professional rugby player" said J. "I want to be a doctor" said R. "I want to be a footballer" said A. 

Miss Doyle was discussing different skills that we will need to be successful in our jobs: being able to work as a team, listening and organising to name a few.  " I want to be an artist, I need to be good at drawing and keep my colouring neat" said H. " I would need to be organised to see my patients and give them the correct medicine" said K.

Learn with us Afternoon

Fashion Station

Writing Table

Active Spelling & Art Station

We had a super afternoon, when our Parents and Grandparents came to learn with us one afternoon. Miss Doyle and Mr Johnstone had set out some amazing activities for us to do with our visitors. One station focused on our previous topic 'Fashion through the Past', we got to design and create our own outfits from a decade of our choice.  "My outfit was stylish" Said E. 

Recently we have set up a writing station in our classroom which can help us improve our sentences. Our class novel is 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl. With our visitors we were describing Mr and Mrs Twit using our amazing adjectives.

Miss Doyle always tells us that we are super spellers in Primary 2/3, we love taking part in Active Spelling activities.  We were showing off our splendid spelling by completing our spelling words using Scrabble letters and typing using a keyboard.

The art station was related to our topic of Bird watching, we got to paint all of the differnt types of birds we have seen in our Local Environment.

Spring Disco

Here are some pictures from the Primary 2 and 3 Spring Disco. What a fun night. We were dancing, playing musical statues and bumps and eating lots of snacks. "I really enjoyed the disco" said E.


This week we took part in a 'Dance-a-thon' to raise money for getting Maidenhill a pond for our secret garden. We were all dancing and having so much fun, we managed to raise a lot of money.

Dance the night away

Time to sparkle

Snack o'clock

Girl Group


We have been learning about different types of texts this month. We are now able to describe the difference between Fiction and Non-Fiction texts and have created some of our own. We went on a book scavenger hunt for 'Non-fiction' features such as contents pages, bold words/ phrases, and labelled drawings. 

We used our Fiction texts to create our own characters. We described their looks, personalities, ages, jobs and hobbies. We used similes and adjectives to make our text interesting for our readers.

Some of us are nearly finished our group novel study 'Survival in Space' which has been extremely interesting as we have learned lots about the Apollo 13 Mission. 

Numeracy and Maths

We have been continuing to work on our terrific times tables, some of us have now learned our 6, 7, 8 and 9! We are using our knowledge of times tables to help us solve tricky number sequences.

Some of us have also been learning about grid references and are able to plot and describe references using the X and Y axis. We were able to use what we have learned to play Battleships and some Pirate activities, it was super cool said A.

We have all been practicing our vertical calculations and are able to add some really big numbers. We are using concrete materials to help us.

Grid References

Number Sequences

Learning about Ramadan 

We have been learning about the Ramadan celebration, which was extremely interesting.

Making pop-up cards

Happy Eid!