A day in Primary 2/3

Soft Start 

Each morning, the children in Primary 2/3  self-register and order their own lunches. The children are given the opportunity to play with different resources in the class and out in the atrium. This allows the children to get settled, and develop different skills. 

This allows me to check in with the children. I also get the opportunity to observe and join in with the children's play. Which has allowed me to form relationships with the children.

After the soft play, the children will be on the carpet. We will discuss the timetable and targets for the day. 

Integrated Day 

At Maidenhill we take part in an integrated day. This means that the children are in charge of their own learning.  The children in Primary 2/3 will have a daily Literacy and Numeracy and Mathematics target that must be completed by lunchtime. The children will also have targets across other areas of the curriculum.

The target board is displayed in the classroom every day. The children are in charge of putting up a magnet to show that they have completed their target. In Primary 2/3 we use a pink magnet for literacy and a blue magnet for numeracy and mathematics.