November and December 2023 

Diwali Celebrations 

Back in November we were learning about Diwali and how it is celebrated. We learned how to make paper lanterns.  It was really fun. "I enjoyed making and colouring in the lanterns" said A.  It was interesting to learn about a celebration that some of us in P2/3 celebrate.  Here we are showing off our hard work. 

Christmas Celebrations 

We have been so lucky in P2/3 we have got a new member in our class, Peppermint the elf. He has been with us every day of December making sure we are working hard and behaving! Every morning we cannot wait to get into the class and see what he has been up to. So far he has got stuck in a jar, climbed into our Christmas tree, brought us decorations for our classroom and so much more! We will be sad when he returns to the North Pole.

On Monday 11th of December we had our Christmas party. We danced, played games and had a snack and a drink. We even got a new book as a present. We all had so much fun and were super tired by the end of the day.

We have been doing lots of fun art activities such as making paper chains, designing our own Christmas bobbles, making Christmas cards, even following a video of how to draw a perfect snowflake.

Our Christmas Tree 

Dance Party!

Peppermint the Elf


We have been practising very hard for our 'Twinkly Nativity' this year.  We have been singing every afternoon and are now involved in full rehearsals with all of Primary 1, 2 and 3.

We hope you can all come along and watch us next week.  We have actors, dancers, the band, singers, props and scenery.  

I would like to remind parents that the children can start to bring in their nativity costumes. I have a storage box for the children to keep them safe. Please label the bag with your child's costume in it with their name and class.


Over the past few months we have been so busy enjoying our literacy learning. The Primary 2's have been involved in DLL which gives them the opportunity to read, write, retell a story, and play literacy games. While the P3's have been improving our writing by adding the correct punctuation to sentences, fixing spelling mistakes, and adding adjectives to make our sentences more descriptive.

We have all been improving our letter writing skills, we have had the chance to write formal and informal letters. We even got to write a letter to Mr McDonald asking if we could go to school for four days instead of five! 

We were also learning to write instructions and recipes. We all enjoyed telling Miss Doyle how to make a jam sandwich, we realised our instructions need to be very detailed.

In reading, we were practising skimming and scanning a text for key information. We also got the chance to take notes from our books using bullet points, headings, and sub-headings. 

In December, those of us who celebrate Christmas had the opportunity to write a letter to Santa. We were able to start the letter with Dear Santa then politely ask for some presents we would like if we are on the nice list (which we all should be as we work very hard in P2/3).  We also remembered to end the letter with From or Yours Sincerely, (your name). 

Numeracy and Mathematics 

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been working on improving our number knowledge through our daily dozen. Every day we have twelve questions to complete in our maths jotters. This gets us settled and ready to begin our numeracy tasks.

We have been learning about Fractions, Time, and multiplication. We have had lots of practical activities to help us understand that objects can be split into halves, thirds, quarters and many more. 

We have all been learning to tell the time using both digital and analogue clocks. This helps us stay on track and work out how long we have to complete our targets. We are all able to recognise O'clock and half past on different types of clocks. Some of us are even able to identify quarter past and quarter to.  Also, converting between the 12 and 24 hour clock, which can be tricky.

Some of us have been practicing our times tables, which we have been working so hard on. We have explored the 2, 3, 4,5 and 9 times table. We have used songs on YouTube to help us remember the answers. We love the songs and even get up to sing and dance to them!

Also, we have explored dividing and did so well with this we were even looking at dividing with remainders! "this is tricky, but fun" said I. We had so much fun using the pom poms to help us understand how we can split things equally and then have some left over. 

Health and Wellbeing 

We were been exploring friendship and how we can be nice friends. We have been thinking about how we can be kind and respectful to ourselves and others. Linking to our recipe writing in literacy we created a potion for the 'perfect friend' which made Miss Doyle really proud and is currently displayed on the wow wall in our class. 

We also learned about respect and how we can be respectful to our friends, family, school, and environment. We set each other goals of how we can improve our environment by being respectful.