Our Can Do Curriculum

Being Responsible Consumers

As part of our 'Can Do Curriculum', we learned all about being responsible consumers of clothes. As part of this, we learned different skills that could be used to make new clothes or repurpose ones we no longer need. Here we are learning to weave!

We considered the properties of different materials and how suitable they would be for new purposes. Here we are investigating how easy different materials are to clean. 

We also used fabric markers to upgrade old, unwanted materials.

As well as this, we tried repurposing old material into new things like baby clothes.

We even used our tying skills to make some skirts!

We also set up a Swap Shop for uniform that no longer fits us. Thank you to eveveryone for their donations!

Team Work in PE

In PE, we have been learning about team work and how to be a good team player. We loved working together while we played games with the parachute. Our aim in 'Popcorn' was to get rid of all the balls in less than 3 minutes. As you can see, we had so much fun!