Learning About Sounds

In class, we have been learning lots of different sounds to help us read. Here you can see us making super snakes when we were learning the "s" sound. Some of us also made igloos when learning the "i" sound and made playdough versions of our favourite meals to help us remember the "m" sound. 

Money, Money, Money

Part of our learning in Numeracy and Maths was recognising different coins and using them to pay for items. Our class shop was a very popular part of the class; here we could develop these skills whilst also taking on the roles of shopkeepers and customers.

Learning About Forces

We have been learning about push and pull forces and how they make toys move. In these photos, you can see us applying force to different toys to make them move.

Continous Provision

We love to lead our own learning!

Special Dates

Some special dates in the months of October and November inspired some lovely learning in the class. We enjoyed some spooky learning experiences around Halloween and made some colourful Rangoli patterns ahead of Diwali. 

Emotion Works and Excitable Edgar

As part of our learning in Health and Wellbeing, we have started using Emotion Works to learn about our feelings. Emotion Works breaks down learning about emotions into different cogs. In November, we learnt about our orange cog, which helps us to name the emotions that we feel, and our green cog, which helps us to pick our our emotion behaviours. One of the ways in which we developed our understanding of cogs was through watching Excitable Edgar. We also drew pictures of what we would look like and what our green cogs would be if someone ruined a snowman that we had built.