Learning About Numbers 

We have been learning lots about numbers since we started school. We love being active in Maths, so our activities vary every day. In the photos below, you can see us counting teddy bears into their houses as a team.

In the activity below, we were learning about how numbers can be represented in diffefent ways using number stones, cubes and numicon.

In the activity below, we were learning about how numbers can be represented in diffefent ways using number stones, cubes and numicon.

Information Handling

We learned about how to gather information and organise what we have found in different ways. As part of this learning, we sorted lots of different items. Sometimes, we used colour to sort items. Lots of children used what they learned to sort different 'foods' when playing in the home corner.

Literacy Learning

We have been developing lots of different literacy skills in lots of different ways. We have learned about rhyme, alliteration, syllables and much, much more! Have a look at the photos below to see a few of the tasks we've engaged with so far.

Play, Play, Play!

We love to play in Primary 1. There is a continous provision in our classroom that are available for the children to use every day. These include a role play area, sand or water, construction and much more. Play helps us to develop many skills, including creativity and problem solving.

Our Class Charter - 'Everybody's Welcome'

In Primary 1, we believe everyone should be included in our class. This links to the UNCRC, where the rights of children are outlined clearly for us all. We used a story called 'Everybody's Learning' as our inspiration for creating a class charter. We read the book, played with the characters, drew pictures and created our own bunting to remind us that we are all welcome in Primary 1. Next time you visit us, you'll see it outside our classroom.
Some of us used our threading skills to help Miss Lawrie put the bunting together. You can see us busy at work in the photos below.

Similarities & Differences with Mr Edge

Today Primary 1 continued to develop their learning on identifying similarities and differences; being able to sort using their own and other's criteria, while sharing their ideas.

They looked at different animals and characters, and discussed what was similar an distinct about them. For example, identifying that zebras are wild animals, while cows live on a farm, the zebra had stripes, while the cow had spots, but that they both were black and white, with four legs and a brown nose. Together we then represented what we discussed using a Venn Diagram.

4th September 2023

Letter Formation

We love learning to write letters in lots of different ways. Have a look at the photos below to see some of the activities we do to help us.

Old and New

When learning about things from the past, we started by trying to gain an understanding of our own past by talking about special memories and looking at photos with our adults at home. In class, we compared lots of old and new things. Here we are playing some old and new games, and playing with old and new toys. We talked lots about what we know about toys and how we can tell the difference between old and new. We focused on what they were made from (and whether or not they were electronic) to help us work out how old the toys were.


Every Wednesday and Thursday, we take part in P.E. We have been focusing on our movement and fitness skills. We play lots of movement games and take part in different circuits. Have a look at us having fun in P.E!