System Documentation

How new classes are added

New features under development (partial list)

Feature Specifications

How are new classes added to the system?

Class definitions are provided to the system via two files:

A new class must be added to both of these files and uploaded into the system.  It then must be tested before use.

What is the class numbering convention for USEF and EVUSA Rulebook classes?

30 3* Individual

31 2* Young Vaulter / Gold Individual

32 2* Silver Individual

33 1* Bronze Individual

34 1* Copper Individual

36 1* Trot Individual

37 Preliminary Trot Individual

38 D Individual

41 Open Canter Barrel

43 Preliminary Canter Barrel

46 Trot Barrel

21 3* Open Pas de Deux - One Freestyle

21 3* Open Pas de Deux - Two Freestyles

22 2* Canter Pas de Deux - One Freestyle

22 2* Canter Pas de Deux - Two Freestyles

23 1* Preliminary Pas de Deux - One Freestyle

23 1* Preliminary Pas de Deux - Two Freestyles

26 1* Trot Pas de Deux - One Freestyle

26 1* Trot Pas de Deux - Two Freestyles

01 3* A Team

02 2* B Team

03 1* C Team

04 D Team

06 1* Trot Team

07 Preliminary Trot Team

11 Open Two-Phase Team

12 Preliminary Two-Phase Team

16 Trot Two-Phase Team

What classes are programmed into HorseSportPro, i.e. which classes can I have at my competition?

Here is the list of classes programmed into HorseSportPro. 

Note that competition managers can add any class that uses an existing scoresheet.