Chrome Apps, Add-ons, and Extensions 

Chrome Apps, Add-Ons and Extensions are centrally managed by the Technology and Information Management department. These tools add functionality to Chromebooks, Google Apps and the Chrome browser in support of teaching and learning. Need support on how to accomplish a task using Google? Contact your TIPS Team consultant for more details. *See list of STAFF only add-ons here.

Scroll inside the table to see items available to students, or use the Text Search box.

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Details & Background information

Apps, Addon, Extensions info sheet

Chrome Tools vs EdTech Tools 

EdTech Tools for teaching and learning (also known as Third Party Apps) are not the same as Chrome Tools (Apps, Addons and Extensions)

If you are requesting that students use an online platform where they need to create an account, then we need to ensure student data is being shared safely.  This often looks like an option for students to "Sign up with Google".

The FOIP office has reviewed a number of the most popular EdTech Tools (Third Party Apps) and provided a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) summary for teachers as well as a tool-specific Parent Notification document. If a tool is not considered "Software of the Division", FOIP procedures must be in place for students to use these tools.