Homeless Children & Youth

Homeless Children and Youth:

Homeless students generally include children who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, as further defined by applicable state and federal law.

It is the school’s policy not to stigmatize or segregate homeless students on the basis of their status of being homeless. Transportation for homeless students who enroll in the district shall be furnished by the district under the same guidelines applying to other students or if such transportation is necessary for compliance with federal law.

Each homeless child shall be provided services for which the child is eligible comparable to services provided to other students in the school selected regardless of residency. Homeless children shall be provided access to education and other services that such children need to ensure that they have an opportunity to meet the same student performance standards to which all students are held.

If a homeless child registered to attend school in the district is receiving family reconciliation services pursuant to state law, the district will work in cooperation with any county or department of social services in the district to jointly develop an educational program for the child. The district’s homeless coordinator is the Superintendent, who may be contacted at 402-266-5911.