Grading System & Class Rank

Grading System/Class Rank:

Report cards are given in percentiles (such as 93%), however, there are times when letter grades may be given.  (Example:  in Physical Education, or on various papers).  The following system will be used:  

A+ 100-98

A 97-93

B+ 92-90

B 89-86

C+ 85-83

C 82-78

D+ 77-75

D 74-70

F 69-below


A grade of 69% of lower in any class does not meet the requirements for completion of a required course. 

A rank in class shall be computed by the counselor starting with Grade 9. The rank in class shall be computed on a grade average basis and will include classes that students have completed at Exeter-Milligan. A final grade average, to be entered on the permanent student record, will be computed at the completion of the senior year. In addition to the requirements above, a student must have attended Exeter-Milligan High School two (2) consecutive semesters to have a class rank.


Incompletes will be given when a student’s work for that term is not complete.  An incomplete must be removed by the end of the following 18 week period to avoid it becoming a failure.

Honor Roll:

The Exeter-Milligan School encourages academic achievement.  Demonstrated mastery of knowledge and skills helps students be competitive.  A grade point average of 95.0000 or higher qualifies a student for the  “Academic Excellence Honor Roll.”   A grade point average of 88.0000 to 94.9999 qualifies a student for the “Honor Roll.” For purposes of Honor Roll, no rounding of grade point averages will occur.  Honor Rolls are determined at the end of each semester.

Sencap/Dual Credit Classes:

All students who want to take an online SENCAP/DC class must have a minimum  3.0 GPA.  


To take Dual Credit English you must meet the following:

Low Grades List: 

PowerSchool automatically generates a "low-grades list" containing the names of students who have earned a D in any class. This low-grades list will be sent to all teachers every Monday starting the fourth week of each semester. Teachers who have students on the low-grades list will talk with each individual and let them know what they need to do to improve their grade.  Any student who is on the low-grades list will forfeit their phone to the principal's office during school hours until such time that their name is removed from the low-grades list. 


The Counselor has a complete listing of all classes offered at Exeter-Milligan Public School.  It is your responsibility to discuss your future with the counselor.  Your program can be designed to meet your specific needs.  Early in the fall of each year, the counselor may meet with the parents of the juniors and seniors to discuss the various options offered by post-high school institutions.