Nebraska Reads Act



Reading Instruction and Intervention Services

The purpose of this policy is to facilitate reading instruction and intervention services to address student reading needs, including, but not limited to, dyslexia.  It is the school district’s goal that each student be able to read at or above grade level by third grade.

Effective Reading Teachers.  It is the intent of the school district to employ teachers for kindergarten through third grade who are effective reading teachers as evidenced by (a) evaluations based on classroom observations and student improvement on reading assessments or (b) specialized training in reading improvement. 

Reading Assessment.  The school district will administer a reading assessment approved by the Nebraska Department of Education three times during the school year to all students in kindergarten through third grade.  Exceptions to this requirement include: 

The first assessment for kindergarten students must occur within the first 45 calendar days that school is in session of each school year.  For all other grades, the first assessment must occur within the first 30 calendar days that school in in session of each school year. 

Diagnostic assessments used within a supplemental reading intervention program do not require Nebraska Department of Education approval. 

Deficiency Identification.  Any student in kindergarten through third grade performing below the threshold level as determined by the Nebraska Department of Education shall be identified as having a reading deficiency for purposes of the Nebraska Reading Improvement Act and this policy.  A student who is identified as having a reading deficiency shall remain identified as having a reading deficiency until the student performs at or above the threshold level on an approved reading assessment.  Nothing in the Nebraska Reading Improvement Act or this policy shall prohibit a school district from identifying any other student as having a reading deficiency. 

Supplemental Reading Intervention Program. The school district will provide a supplemental reading intervention program to ensure that students can read at or above grade level at the end of third grade.  The school district may work collaboratively with a reading specialist at the Nebraska Department of Education, with educational service units, with learning communities, or through interlocal agreements to develop and provide such supplemental reading intervention programs. Each supplemental reading intervention program must be: 

The supplemental reading intervention program may also include: 

Parent/Guardian Notification.  The school will give notice in writing or by electronic communication to the parent(s) or guardian(s) of any student identified as having a reading deficiency within 15 working days of such identification that the student has been identified as having a reading deficiency and that an individual reading improvement plan will be established and shared with the parents or guardians. 

Reading Improvement Plan.  Any student who is identified as having a reading deficiency will receive an individualized reading improvement plan, that shall include a supplemental reading intervention program, no later than 30 days after the identification of the reading deficiency.  The reading improvement plan may be created by the teacher, the principal, other pertinent school personnel, and the parents or guardians of the student and shall describe the reading intervention services the student will receive through the supplemental reading intervention program to remedy the reading deficiency.  The student must receive reading intervention services through the supplemental reading intervention program until the student is no longer identified as having a reading deficiency. 

Reading Progress.  Each student in kindergarten through third grade and his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) will be informed of the student's reading progress within a reasonable time after the school district receives the results from the student’s approved reading assessment.

NDE Professional Learning System.  The Nebraska Department of Education provides a professional learning system.  The elementary school(s) and early childhood education programs approved by the State Board of Education will ensure that teachers who teach children from four years of age through third grade are aware of the professional learning system and are adequately trained regarding evidence-based reading instruction to effectively instruct students in reading.

NDE Report.  On or before July 1 of each year, the school district will provide the required information relating to dyslexia to the Nebraska Department of Education.  

Adopted on: _________________________

Revised on: ____12 June 2024_____

Reviewed on: ________________________